Prioritising education and ensuring that every individual has access to quality educational opportunities throughout their life, is a unified goal for mankind and part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. And most importantly, it is an investment in people that further promotes a culture of ‘leaving no one behind’. The Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, including from early childhood to higher education, as well as eliminating discriminations that may be faced by vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. Prioritizing education requires the society, government, and stakeholders recognising the value and importance of education for an individual, the community and in national development.
"Education brings hope and motivation to communities at a time when it is needed the most. Learning social and emotional skills is extremely important for children and youth to succeed in life.” - Ms. Giovanna Campello, Chief of UNODC Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section
Schools and teachers play a critical role in substance use prevention, laying a foundation for a healthy lifestyle and providing children and youth with the information and skills needed to succeed in life. DAPC grantee CEDRO also worked with youth and teachers in the school setting, through their project “Leaders Promoting Change - LIPREC”, to support skills development, enhance their understanding of the consequences of drug use, the risk and protective factors that affect vulnerability, and the importance of healthy lifestyles. What’s more, CEDRO also actively involved youth in the implementation of the project, as they were also speakers on drug use prevention at educational institutions in the community to enlighten their peers and promote a culture of drug use prevention. And with their "Flying without Drugs" campaign, youth participants painted creative visuals and messages under the theme, “Caring for my Health and Preventing Drug Use”. In addition, the LIPREC project provided trainings for teachers and professionals working with young people so as to support their effective and accurate delivery of drug education and prevention messages. Similar sessions were also organised by CEDRO for parents to provide guidance and insight into the important role that the family and parents have on their children.
This year’s International Day of Education (24 January) emphasises the importance of investing in and prioritizing education. At UNODC, youth empowerment and the protection of children are important cross-cutting commitments, in which education plays a pivotal role. We express appreciation to partners around the world involved in initiatives striving to make education accessible to children and youth, regardless of their background, ethnicity or socio-economic status. And of course, a special thanks to CEDRO and their project, made possible with the support of DAPC.