On June 1st, the United Nations celebrated Global Day of Parents, raising awareness of the importance of parenthood, its role in providing protection, and the tools needed for children's positive development.
To mark this day, UNODC presented ‘Listen First’ to some 40 Civil Society Organizations involved in substance use prevention worldwide at a webinar organized by Movendi International. The interactive event was dedicated to children’s development and social and emotional learning, and ‘Listen First’ was offered as an effective resource to implement this.
Research confirms a link between parenting style and children's behavior, educational results, and mental and physical health. Parents who are loving, involved, and encourage their children to become independent while setting clear boundaries and rules are the most successful.
In light of this, UNODC launched the 'Listen First' initiative to provide parents, caregivers, and those working with them with science-based yet fun and engaging information.
In an interview conducted for Global Day of Parents, Ana Lidia Ndong Bula, a mother of two, Michael (11) & Hector (5), and one of the families participating in ‘Listen First’, says: “Being a parent is complex. You always want to see your children do well, and above all that they are happy. The problems arise when they reach an age where they want to experiment without considering our opinions. ‘Listen First’ is helpful to us. We show our children the videos whenever a complex situation arises.”
To learn more about how parenting style affects children’s development, read our press release for Global Day of Parents here.
Made possible with the generous support of France.