Regional Programme Development Methodology
The Regional Programme (2016-2019) was developed in close coordination with national partners in the South East European region, UNODC project management in the field and UNODC thematic experts. Building upon the current framework of work and cooperation, UNODC drafted strategic outlines for potential engagement in the region, based on lessons learned and an extensive in-depth evaluation of the current Regional Programme. These documents were shared with government partners in each country for review and comment. Three consultative workshops were organized in April and May 2015, [3] to jointly discuss the drafts and comments, engage with UNODC experts and solicit government recommendations for both individual country, multi-country and regional programming and activities. This approach was beneficial for three main reasons. First, it ensured that over 75 government representatives were directly involved in the Regional Programme development process. Second, it provided an opportunity for networking among the government representatives as well as with UNODC experts. Third, representatives of the donor community, especially EU delegations, operating at the bilateral and multilateral levels were invited to each event to better reach out to these stakeholders who have a shared interest in UNODC's objectives, and who may be in a position to financially support project implementation.
This Regional Programme includes the following components:
- A Situation Analysis provides the broad strategic context underlying the challenges facing the region in terms of drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism.
- A section reviewing the current engagement of UNODC in South Eastern Europe, both across the region and in each country, provides details on activities and successes to date, to inform future options and initiatives. This section includes regional partnerships and lessons learned.
- A chapter detailing the way forward from 2016-2019 includes a summary of the three main sub-programmes, and individual country, multi-country and region-wide objectives. This is supplemented by a detailed logframe (in the Annex) developed in close cooperation with country government representatives.
- A section on programme management provides information on implementation and management structures and processes, reporting and evaluation plans and risk assessment.
- A budgeted workplan provides an indicative framework budget outline to assist in project management, donor outreach and fundraising.
UNODC remains committed to ensuring that human rights and gender are mainstreamed throughout its programmatic work, and has taken care to ensure that such considerations are a part of all strategic planning and activity implementation.
[3] A workshop on sub-programme 1 was held in Zagreb (May 11-12); a workshop on sub-programme 2 was held in Sarajevo (May 28-29); and a workshop sub-programme 3 was held in Belgrade (April 16-17).