Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe
Vienna 12 December 2012: T he second meeting of the Programme Steering Committee was convened in Vienna on 12 December 2012 to discuss progress of the Regional Programme in 2012, its achievements and challenges. UNODC presented the initial plan for 2013 which was approved. UNODC was encouraged to continue vigorous effort to seek new and more sustainable funding in accordance with its fundraising strategy for the region (EU partnerships, traditional donors, internal programme synergies, UN partnerships and Government funding).
Some of the recommendations of the meeting include stronger partnership in local resource mobilization and support by the PSC members regarding expression of interest of the national institutions to the EU to work with UNODC as implementing partner. PSC acknowledged that the Regional Programme is an effective tool supporting the accession process for the SEE countries, and took note of the outcomes of work in 2012 and expressed satisfaction with these outcomes. PSC will help UNODC in the identification of new partnership opportunities and to advise UNODC as to what coordination and thematic groups, meetings and events should UNODC be part of in the region and at country level. UNODC will continue partnership between the SEE Regional Programme and the Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries, as well as building partnerships with regional and inter-regional agencies. It was agreed that UNODC continues to meet with the Permanent Missions in Vienna on a regular basis and/or keep contact with them. UNODC officers in each of the countries will continue to meet with the PSC members when possible and to keep them informed of any activities under the RP.
As of 2012, UNODC started issuing a quarterly newsletter on the UNODC work in the SEE region. The newsletters were issued and they were unanimously acknowledged as a useful and relevant tool. UNODC has also revitalized the web-page for South Eastern Europe and this process is still on-going.
UNODC has introduced a better coordination and communication mechanism and simplified the reporting system under the Regional Programme so that it becomes a user-friendly and interactive process.