First meeting of the Steering Committee of the Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe
Vienna, 28 June 2012: The meeting was convened in Vienna and reviewed the terms of reference of the Steering Committee, finalized the Regional Programme's Implementation Plan for 2012 and identified common work priorities for 2013, as well as partner and resource opportunities and communication and coordination measures.
The PSC members from all countries supported the Regional Programme and endorsed the Programme's strategic vision taking note of the presentation of partnership opportunities between this Regional Programme and the one for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries, as well as agreed to the proposed strategy on inter- and intra-regional cooperation.
The PSC members provided advise on the way forward for UNODC in the region and shared information on ongoing national and regional action relating to or complimenting the UNODC Regional Programme, to help avoid potential duplication.
The PSC encouraged equal distribution of activities under the Programme and increased presence in the region, subject to the availability of funds.
The next PSC meeting will take place in Vienna on 12 December 2012.