Serbia: Strengthening Ethics and Integrity Standards in Public Administration
10 March 2024, Belgrade, Serbia - In 2021, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2021–2030, signalling a commitment to enhancing accountability and transparency throughout governmental operations. Central to this strategy was the imperative to strengthen integrity and ethical standards within the public administration, which was crucial for fostering trust and efficiency in governance.
The Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government and the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, in a collaborative effort with UNODC, prepared a Study on introducing ethics and integrity officers into the state administration bodies of the Republic of Serbia.
The study's main goal is to determine proposals for systematising and integrating various tasks related to preventing corruption and strengthening integrity in state administration bodies based on these bodies' previously defined levels of ethical infrastructure.
Drawing from the recommendations, criteria, and requirements, at a meeting held in the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Governance, a pilot phase of the project was kicked off in several public administration bodies. This project implemented by UNODC would entail developing and implementing a tailored training program for these officers to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfil their roles effectively.
Through these concerted efforts, the Government of the Republic of Serbia is not only aiming to instil a culture of integrity and accountability within its public administration but also laying the groundwork for a more transparent and efficient governance system.
UNODC builds public administration capacities as part of its regional platform for fast-tracking the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption in the Western Balkans. Serbia actively participates in this platform and the related Regional Anti-Corruption and Illicit Finance Roadmap, which all Western Balkan jurisdictions endorsed in 2021.