Preventing and Responding to Cybercrime in South-Eastern Europe - Consultative Meeting of Practitioners in Montenegro


7 June, Podgorica, Montenegro: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organized a consultative meeting, bringing together practitioners from key Montenegrin institutions to discuss current capabilities and needs in combating cybercrime.

During the meeting, UNODC gave an overview of its mandate and work in the area of cybercrime. “UNODC is mandated to provide, upon request, technical assistance and training to States, based on national needs, especially with regard to the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime in all its forms”, stated Koen Marquering, UNODC Deputy Regional Representative for South-Eastern Europe.

“With Member States expressing concern about the growing threat of cybercrime, it is important to support them in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. UNODC does this through normative work, research and expertise”, Marquering noted.

The participating representatives from the National Security Agency, Financial Intelligence Unit, Central Bank, Customs Administration and Basic Court, explored current trends and threats, emphasizing the need for updated knowledge and proactive measures to counter cybercrime.

The meeting allowed participants to discuss their respective capabilities in combating cybercrime, including the need for enhanced training in digital evidence and forensics for criminal justice practitioners. Overall, there was a consensus on the need for capacity building on cybercrime issues, virtual asset tracing and related international cooperation within the framework of the implementation of the national cyber strategy 2022-2026.

The consultative meeting was financially supported by the government of Norway. UNODC strengthens responses to prevent and counter cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crimes in the Western Balkans through its Regional Programme for South-Eastern Europe in partnership with the UNODC Global Programme on Cybercrime and the Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism.