Guidelines on investigation and prosecution of firearms offenses meeting in Serbia
31 January 2023, Belgrade, Serbia: UNODC through its Global Firearms Programme (GFP) held a meeting to present the Guidelines on investigation and prosecution of firearms offences (Guidelines) to representatives from the educational institutions, prosecutors’ offices and law enforcement in Serbia.
The participants discussed the content of the document with the aim to identify modalities for its customization to national material and procedural legal framework and its use as a tool for provision of capacity building to criminal justice practitioners. As a result of the activity, it was agreed that the Judicial Academy will use the UNODC document as part of its on-going training curriculum. Another result is the definition of how the Guidelines will be customized. The participants identified during the meeting the content that will be used for training by the Judicial Academy. In the upcoming period, UNODC will collaborate closely with the criminal justice practitioners and the Judicial Academy to identify experts who can assist with the implementation of the meeting results and facilitate the customization of the Guidelines.
This activity is implemented with financial support provided by Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, and Norway through the Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap Trust Fund and supported by the European Union.