EU and UNODC Border Security Initiative Mentors Law Enforcement in South-Eastern Europe on Inspection of High-Risk Consignments


January–February 2025, South-Eastern Europe - As part of its continuous efforts to enhance border security, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has recently launched a training and mentoring program for law enforcement officers to apply modern customs control techniques, including practical skills in “profiling” and inspection of high-risk consignments.

From 28 to 30 January 2025, UNODC trained 7 customs officers at the Port Control Unit in Vermica, Kosovo*. This training, which was delivered in partnership with the World Customs Organization (WCO), focused on real-time challenges, risk profiling, document verification, and effective use of customs tools to detect illicit activities.

From 3 to 6 February 2025, UNODC provided hands-on training for 10 customs and police officers at the Durres seaport, Albania. Under the guidance of WCO and maritime cargo experts, the officers engaged in practical exercises to profile high-risk consignments and conduct container searches.

By enhancing operational capabilities in this manner, the training and mentoring program supports customs, police and other law enforcement in their efforts to combat illicit trade and organized crime. The mentoring approach used ensures that new recruits are equipped with the same level of skills as their experienced colleagues, thus ensuring sustainability of knowledge transfer.

The training and mentoring program is implemented within the framework of the European Union - UNODC Joint Action “Promoting Rule of Law and Good Governance through Targeted Border Control Measures at Ports and Airports in South-Eastern Europe – Phase II”.

The objective of this project, which is implemented by the UNODC Passenger and Cargo Control Programme (PCCP) in close cooperation with UNODC Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe (ROSEE), is to enhance the capacities of authorities in South-Eastern Europe to fight organized crime, by supporting more effective and coordinated responses to illicit trafficking by border law enforcement at land and port border crossing points and international airports in the region.


 *All references to Kosovo should be understood in the context of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).