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26 June 2015 The World Drug Report 2015 will be presented to Member States on Friday, 26 June by UNODC in New York, during the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The report will be launched during a High Level Event from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in Conference Room 2 at UNHQ. The launch will feature opening remarks by UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, followed by a presentation of the report and a Q&A/comments session with participants from the floor. The World Drug Report provides an annual global overview of the latest developments with respect to illicit drugs. Chapter 1 of this year's report, presenting a comprehensive picture of the world's illicit drug markets, also focuses on the impact of illicit drugs on health, and reviews the scientific evidence on approaches to drug use prevention and addresses general principles for effective responses to treatment for drug use. Chapter 2 focuses on how alternative development aims to break the vicious cycle of illicit crop cultivation by providing farmers with alternative livelihoods.

24 November 2014 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with the Group of Friends United Against Human Trafficking, will hold a "High Level Interactive Launch of the 2014 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons," pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 64/293 of 2010 requesting UNODC to prepare a biennial report on patterns and flows of trafficking in persons. This high level interactive launch will take place on Monday 24 November 2014, at 10:00 am in Conference Room 8 of the UN Conference Building at UNHQ. Please find the flier attached for your consideration. Speakers will include:
- Simone Monasebian, Director UN Office on Drugs and Crime, NY Office
- H.E. Andrei Dapkiunas, Permanent Representative of Belarus and Coordinator of the Group of Friends United Against Human Trafficking
- H.E. Libran N. Cabactulan, Permanent Representative of Philippines
- Rani Hong, Trafficking Survivor /Founder Tronie Foundation
- Alyse Nelson, President/CEO Vital Voices Global Partnership
- Sir Paul Sorvino, acclaimed film, television, theater actor/humanitarian ("Goodfellas", "Nixon", "Law and Order", "Dick Tracy", "That Championship Season")
- Kay Buck, Executive Director Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
Cognizant of the importance of international community commitments to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and protect its victims, especially those most vulnerable - women and children, the report sheds light on national, regional and international specifics that must be taken into account if responses to this heinous crime are are to be tailored and effective. As we know, an informed response is most important in assisting victims, who may be child soldiers or forced beggars, or who may have been enslaved in brothels, fields or sweatshops. All are invited to this high level interactive launch featuring key leaders from governments, international organizations, the arts community and civil society. RSVP to Ms. Anne Beckmann (beckmann@un.org) Tel: (1) 212-963-5631.
9 June 2014 INVITATION: The Permanent Missions of Italy, Qatar, Thailand and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), cordially invite representatives of Member States, Observer Missions, UN agencies and accredited NGOs to the High-Level Special Side Event on "The Rule of Law, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the UN Development Agenda Beyond 2015: Engendering a Human Rights for all approach. " The event will take place on Monday 9 June 2014 from 1:15-2:30pm in Conference Room 2, Conference Building, UN Headquarters and will be held on the margins of the UN General Assembly High-Level Event on the "Contributions of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the post ‐ 2015 Development Agenda". The High-Level Special Side Event will feature H.E . Mr. Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, H .E. Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning, H.E. Ms. Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the UN, H .R.H. Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the UN in Vienna, H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Italy to the UN, H.E. Mr. Ivan Simonovic, UN Assistant Secretary General, Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and Ms. Simone Monasebian, Director, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, New York Office. The event will include an interactive discussion with Q&A. The objective of this High-Level Special Side Event is to promote a coherent approach to the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda which underlines a strong inter-dependence between the rule of law, crime prevention, criminal justice, human rights and sustainable development. It will build on the strong momentum created by UNGA Resolutions 68/188 on " The Rule of law, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the UN development Agenda Beyond 2015" , and 68/193 on "Strengthening the UN crime prevention and criminal justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity." The Event will also provide an important platform for the forthcoming Thirteenth UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, to be held in Doha on 12-19 April 2015 with the theme "Integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider UN agenda to address social and economic challenges and to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and public participation."
22 May 2014 Executive Director Yury Fedotov of UNODC speaks at the High-Level Donor Conference to Support Transnational Crime Units under the West Africa Coast Initiative (WACI) at UN Headquarters in New York. The Conference was organized jointly by UNODC, UNOWA/DPA, DPKO and INTERPOL and also featured the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the UN Office in West Africa, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender, the DPKO Police Adviser, the Chair of the TOCU Management Board in Sierra Leone and live interventions via video-link from the Ministers of Interior/Security and Ministers of Justice from Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The meeting was well attended by Member State representatives, the media and ECOSOC-accredited NGOs. Mr. Fedotov highlighted the complex and inter-linked challenges that face West Africa and explained why the region remains vulnerable to transnational organized crime and drugs. He indicated how the work of the WACI regional programme, particularly the Transnational Organized Crime Units, can assist in preventing and addressing these challenges and called on Member States to support the WACI Partners with generous support so that challenges of drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism can be addressed effectively and without delay.

25 April 2013 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, addresses the High-Level Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on Security of Traveller Identification and Traveller Documents in Preventing Terrorism for UN Member States. The event, held at UN Headquarters, was organized by the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate and included the Deputy Secretary-General, CTC Chair H.E. Ms. Raimonda Murmokaité, the Secretary-General of INTERPOL, the Secretary-General of ICAO and the CTED Executive Director. Mr. Fedotov briefed Member States on recent developments in the work of UNODC on preventing and combating terrorism and discussed cooperation between UNODC and the CTC and its Executive Directorate. This included ten years of providing technical assistance in strengthening criminal justice system capacity, prevention and combatting terrorism to Member States. Mr. Fedotov noted that the nature of terrorism is increasingly complex which triggers specialized responses from UNODC. Webcast

24 April 2014 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, moderates a panel discussion on "Strengthening national institutions towards achieving sustainable development" as part of the General Assembly Thematic Debate on "Ensuring Stable and Peaceful Societies". The thematic debate was opened by the President of the General Assembly (PGA) and the Secretary-General; other speakers included Ecuador's Minister of National Defence of Ecuador; the Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Services; the UN Assistant Secretary-General for United Nations Civilian Capacities and speakers from the National Peace Campaign and FemLINKPACIFIC. Member States and other speakers agreed that development and peace are interlinked and that there is an urgent need to address the root causes of instability, including inequality, poverty, and social injustice. Other challenges included lack of education and jobs, cybercrime, a feeling of insecurity, transnational organized crime, drugs, human trafficking and the trafficking and proliferation of arms. Webcast, PGA website for the debate

9 April 2014 Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime speaks at a forum on "Combatting Slavery in the 21 st Century" held at UN Headquarters. The forum was organized by the Government Law Center of Albany Law School, the Rockefeller Institute of Government, Humanity United and the UN. Other speakers included Professor Rhacel Salazar Parrenas of the University of Southern California, Professors Paul Finkelman, Anthony Farley and Melissa Berger of Albany Law School, Andrea Cristina Mercado of National Domestic Workers Alliance and Kevin Ryan of Covenant House International. Ms. Henning shared recent trafficking causes and trends; highlighted the impact of the crime on communities worldwide and identified what the academic community and civil society at large could do to support Member States as they work to prevention trafficking in persons in the United States and abroad. T he forum was simulcast live to universities and high schools throughout the world. Webcast

7 April 2014 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, speaks at the launch of the UNODC Regional Programme in support of the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM) Crime and Security Strategy at UN Headquarters in New York. Other speakers included the President of the General Assembly's Deputy Chief of Staff, the Executive Director of CARICOM IMPACS, the CARICOM Chair and Permanent Representative of Suriname to the UN, the EU Representative to the UN, the Barbados Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs and UNODC's Regional representative for Central America and the Caribbean. Mr. Fedotov stated that the nexus between transnational organized crime activities such as cocaine trafficking and illegal guns; gangs; cyber-crime; financial crime and corruption has been identified in the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy as an immediate and significant threat. He noted that the Caribbean's geographical position provided the underpinning for some of the region's challenges due to its location between major drug-producing countries in the south and major consumer markets in the north. For this reason, he said, the Caribbean remained extremely vulnerable to the threats posed by illicit trafficking and organized crime. More information about the event and the Caribbean Programme is available here: Caribbean Programme

18 March 2014 Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office addresses a high-level discussion at UN Headquarters on "the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Combatting the Root Causes of Trafficking in Persons" organized by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Ms. Monasebian spoke alongside Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons; Jessica Neuwirth, co-founder of Equality Now, Dr. Jayne Huckerby, professor from Duke University School of Law and Dr. Melissa Ditmore of Sex Workers Projects. Ms. Monasebian shared UNODC's experience in combating the root causes of human trafficking worldwide; the work of NGOs funded by the Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking; and UNODC's support to the UN post-2015 development agenda discussions to ensure that trafficking in persons remains high on the development agenda as 2015 approaches.

3 March 2014 Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, speaks at the first commemoration of World Wildlife Day at UN Headquarters in New York. The meeting was convened by the Permanent Missions to the UN of Germany and Thailand and was themed " Wildlife and its contribution to Sustainable Development ". Other speakers included Germany's Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office, the Permanent Representative of Thailand to the UN and the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. Ms. Monasebian highlighted the importance of the December 2013 General Assembly decision that endorsed 3 March as World Wildlife Day everywhere. She shared insights on the main challenges faced by Member States and entire regions as a result of wildlife trafficking and poaching and assured Member States that they could continue to count on UNODC in its efforts to prevent and fight wildlife trafficking.
18 December 2013 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, briefs the Security Council on drugs and crime in West Africa and the Sahel during the Council's meeting on Peace and Security in Africa, presided by France. Mr. Fedotov noted that illicit drugs, trafficking in persons and small arms fuel corruption and undermine good governance and legitimate economies. He emphasized that regional cooperation in boarder control on land, at sea and in the air must be improved to support penal systems, encourage judicial cooperation and promote fundamental human rights and development. The meeting was followed by adoption of Presidential Statement S/2013/728 in which the Security Council, among others, called on Member States of West Africa and the Sahel region to strengthen border management to effectively constrain the spread of transnational threats, such as drug trafficking, and encouraged the inclusion of combating drug trafficking and transnational organized crime in the work of all relevant United Nations entities across the region. Presidential Statement
9 December 2013 Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime addresses the High-Level Plenary Session of the UN Global Compact at UN Headquarters in New York. The event was organized to commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day 2013 and was opened by Under-Secretary-General Helen Clark of UNDP. Ms. Henning provided examples of how to identify, assess and manage corruption risks at an early stage in the organization of major public events and introduced UNODC's handbook on "good prevention and risk management practices in the context of major events". Handbook Webcast

9 November 2013 Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime speaks at Harvard Law School at a seminar on corruption in the Arab World. Ms. Henning noted that the Arab Spring's call for improved democracy was an outright rejection of corruption and a cry for integrity. She set forth some of the main challenges Member States and the United Nations face in their anti-corruption efforts and highlighted the importance of political will, improved institution-building and the use of education and outreach to prevent corruption. The seminar was part of the "Harvard Arab Weekend" 2013 and was attended by academics and students from around the world. Key note speakers included Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan, Princess Ameerah Altaweel of Saudi Arabia and Prince Moulay Hicham Ben Abdallah of Morocco. For more information on UNODC's work in the Middle East and North Africa: Link
16 October 2013 Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, participates alongside Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand, the Ambassador of Thailand, the Executive Director of the Thailand Institute of Justice and others at a Panel Discussion on "Human rights of women in prison: A Toolbox to implement the UN Bangkok Rules". The event, held at UN Headquarters, was co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Thailand and the NGO Penal Reform International and was well-attended by representatives of Member States, NGOs and civil society. Ms. Monasebian noted that t he Bangkok Rules of 2010 were the first international rules to highlight the gender-specific needs of women prisoners and explained how the Toolbox could assist Member States to ensure that the Rules be incorporated into domestic legislation, sentencing policies and prison regulations. Webcast

12 August 2013 Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, moderates the advance screening of "Babysellers", a chilling account of the illegal sale and trafficking of infants. The Lifetime film co-organized by multiple Emmy and Golden Globe winning producer Robert Halmi Sr and Lifetime TV, was held in a packed UN ECOSOC Chamber. It was followed by a panel discussion led by Ms. Monasebian with Producer Halmi, actor Jennifer Finnigan and representatives from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Save the Children. Ms. Monasebian highlighted the importance of UNODC's partnership with the artistic and creative community which can play a key role in bringing issues such as the trafficking of infants to the attention of the wider public. As a result of the event, Lifetime TV made a donation to the UN Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons; others present were encouraged to follow that lead.
25 July 2013 Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, gives an interview to The Interdependent news site. She answered questions about, inter alia, the steps the UN has taken to combat human trafficking; why it takes time to tackle this crime; who is most at risk; the UN's work to assist victims of trafficking and the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking. Ms. Monasebian ended the interview by stating that there is nothing more important in the fight against human trafficking than prevention, particularly through the education of girls. Interview
26 June 2013 At a High-Level Special Event in commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, featuring the UN Secretary-General, Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, notes that the use of prescription drugs and new psychoactive substances in the world is growing but that there appears to be a decline in the use of heroin and cocaine in some parts of the world. At the event, co-organized with the Permanent Missions of Italy, Thailand and Qatar, Member States and speakers from the academic community and civil society shared best practices on the implementation of the United Nations comprehensive framework on the world drug problem. UN Webcast

14 May 2013 Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime participates in the first Steering Committee Meeting of the UN Global Network on Safer Cities which brought together the mayors of Abidjan, Beirut, Bogota, Houston, Johannesburg, Los Angeles, Mexico City and San Salvador, the Under-Secretary-General of UN Habitat and other UN representatives. Ms. Henning spoke about UNODC's close partnership with governments and the private sector, and of the role of local authorities in tackling transnational organized crime such as human trafficking and migrant smuggling but also illicit drugs, arms, corruption and counter-terrorism. The dialogue resulted in an outcome statement by the group of mayors on actions towards enhancing the role of local authorities on safer cities. It is available on UN Habitat's website.

13 May 2013 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, addresses the General Assembly in the opening of the High-level Meeting on the Appraisal of the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons. Mr. Fedotov expressed concern for the fate of children and women who increasingly become victims of this crime. He noted that this 21st century crime is "adaptive, cynical, sophisticated and exists in developed and developing countries alike". The opening also included the General Assembly President, the UN Secretary-General and UNODC Goodwill Ambassador Mira Sorvino, among others, and was attended by an overwhelming number of high-level designees from capitals around the world: 85 Member States spoke and the meeting, as a result, went into an unprecedented third day. Panel discussions on protection of, and assistance to, human trafficking victims, moderated by the Permanent Representative of Austria to the UN, and on prevention of human trafficking, moderated by the Permanent Representative of Cape Verde to the UN, featured high-level speakers from Member States, the media, survivors and other members from civil society and the UN system. At the meeting, a number of Member States made financial pledges to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking. Webcast , PGA website for the meeting

12 February 2013 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, introduces UNODC's Global Report on Trafficking in Persons at a well-attended presentation co-organized by UNODC and the Group of Friends United against Trafficking in Persons. The launch was moderated by Simone Monasebian, Director of the UNODC New York Office, and included the Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN, trafficking survivor Rani Hong, and Kristiina Kangaspunta and Martin Fowke of UNODC in Vienna. The Report is the first of its kind and marks the launch of a series of global reports on trafficking in persons, providing a solid basis for understanding the global nature of this form of modern slavery; its findings are deeply troubling. Webcast . The Report is available here.

18 December 2012 On International Migrants Day 2012, Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime briefs UN Member States on the achievements of UNODC's work as Chair of the Global Migration Group (GMG). Ms. Henning highlighted the Group's increasingly integrated approach towards policy guidance and human rights issues and shared conclusions and recommendations resulting from the GMG's nine meetings over the past six months. These included the outcome of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, a government-led process open to all UN Member States and Observers that held its sixth annual meeting in Mauritius in November 2012, and the need for an improved institutional structure for the GMG. Link to UN Webcast

7 December 2012 Warda Henning of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime speaks at Columbia University's SIPA Thought Leadership Forum on the UN's work with its Member States to combat transnational organized crime. Ms. Henning highlighted the Security Council's increased recognition of the need to tackle transnational organized crime as an integrated part of the UN's peace and security work and elaborated on Member States' strengthened efforts to counter human trafficking, illicit drugs and arms. The Thought Leadership Forum was organized by the School of International and Public Affairs' Journal of International Affairs to launch its 2012 Fall/Winter issue on transnational organized crime. Weblink

24 September 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, speaks to Heads of State and Government at the General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels. Mr. Fedotov stated that illicit drug trafficking and transnational organized crime represent a growing challenge to the rule of law and good governance and highlighted that Member States have increasingly requested, and received, technical assistance from UNODC's justice programme over the past decade. The High-level Meeting of Heads of State and Government resulted in a Declaration which stressed, inter alia, the importance of strengthening international cooperation to dismantle illicit networks, counter the world drug problem, transnational organized crime and corruption, and reaffirmed that all measures used in the fight against terrorism must be in compliance with States' obligations under international law.
9 July 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, addresses the ECOSOC High-Level Panel on "Accountability, Transparency and Sustainable Development: Turning Challenges into Opportunities" during the High-level Segment of ECOSOC at UN Headquarters in New York. Speakers included, inter alia, the Moroccan Kingdom's Minister of the Public Service and Modernization of Administration H.E. Abdeladim el Guerrouj and H.E. Sergey Dubik, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation. Mr. Fedotov underscored the devastating impact of corruption on sustainable development stating that "it is estimated that up to US$40 billion is stolen from developing countries everywhere." Stressing the need for international cooperation to effectively combat corruption, Mr. Fedotov called on governments for stronger political commitments to ensure the universal implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption. The interactive forum also featured UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and a range of high-level experts. Speakers acknowledged the prominent role of UNODC in fighting corruption, commending the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, a partnership between the World Bank Group and UNODC supporting international efforts to end safe havens for corrupt funds. UN Webcast

28 June 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC visits the Post Avenue Community in Inwood section of Manhattan, to witness how the local community is addressing drug use challenges. Mr. Fedotov lauded the efforts of local residents, saying, "Drug use prevention starts with a community that cares about the vulnerable and involves families, teachers and youth leaders, among others". He added that UNODC promotes community-based strategies and tailored actions developed with the participation of all concerned sectors of society - from families to schools to local health service providers and law enforcement professionals.

27 June 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, participates in the closing session of a Seminar on Dialogue, Understanding and Countering the Appeal of Terrorism organized by the President of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters. The Executive Director spoke about UNODC's counter-terrorism work alongside Robert Orr, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Mara Marinaki, European Union Managing Director of Global and Multilateral Issues.
27 June 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC briefs the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan. Citing figures that showed Afghanistan had returned to high opium production, Mr. Fedotov said that the Afghan counter-narcotics authorities were demonstrating their commitment to combating poppy cultivation, but eradication efforts needed to be pursued on every possible front and be complemented by alternative development programmes. Describing momentum built for further international action, he said that while there were many challenges in the country, it was important to realize that illicit drugs and crime were capable of undermining attempts to deal with them all.

26 June 2012 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, presents the World Drug Report at the Secretary-General's press briefing and answered questions from the media. UN Webcast

26 June 2012 UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov launches the World Drug Report in opening of the UN General Assembly's Thematic Debate on Drugs and Crime as a Threat to Development. The high-level debate was co-organized by the President of the General Assembly in cooperation with UNODC and the Group of Friends United Against Drugs and Crime on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. It was chaired by New Zealand and Mexico and featured the General Assembly President (PGA), the Secretary-General, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, H.R.H. Princess Mahidol of Thailand, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board, the Chair of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Africa, the Director of NYU's Center on International Cooperation and the Director of International Institutions and Global Governance at the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Fedotov stated that illicit drugs fuel crime and insecurity while undermining human rights and posing significant public health risks. He added that "heroin, cocaine and other drugs continue to kill some 200,000 people a year, shattering families and bringing misery to thousands of other people, in addition to insecurity and the spread of HIV." The Secretary-General, General Assembly President, Member States and civil society commended UNODC's work and expressed broad support for its regional and alternative development programmes. Webcast, PGA Summary, PGA event website

25 June 2012 Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director, briefs the UN Economic and Social Council on the work of UNODC, noting that "illicit drugs and transnational organized crime are real and serious threats undermining stability, fuelling terrorism, hindering economic and social development, as well as eroding the rule of law and human rights." Mr. Fedotov stressed the need to implement global and comprehensive solutions; explaining how UNODC's programmes to combat human trafficking, piracy and terrorism are implemented, and thanked the Council for its recognition of the impact of drugs and crime on sustainable development.
17 May 2012 Piero Bonadeo, Deputy Representative of UNODC's New York office accepts the 2012 Founder's Leadership Award awarded to UNODC by the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) during the 14th "From Slavery to Freedom Gala". The award recognizes UNODC's leadership in protecting and empowering survivors of trafficking, and its role in promoting social change to end human rights violations. In his acceptance remarks, Mr. Bonadeo highlighted the importance of assuring the rights of victims and stated that "all trafficked persons must be able to exercise the right to an effective remedy, including legal support to allow victims to seek justice against those who enslaved them." Among the beneficiaries of the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, managed by UNODC, CAST is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual organization internationally recognized for its dedication to the identification of trafficking survivors.

16 May 2012 Simone Monasebian, UNODC NY Office Representative and Chief, addresses the General Assembly on behalf of UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov during a Thematic Debate on Security in Central America as a Regional and Global Challenge: how to promote and implement the Central American Security Strategy. The high-level debate was jointly organized by UNODC, the President of the General Assembly, SICA's presidency (the Government of Honduras) and the Government of Italy. Speakers commended UNODC's work, expressed broad support for the Regional Security Strategy for Central America, and noted the Central American Integration System's vital role. Conclusions included the recognition that an international response is required to tackle the issue, which is affecting the entire region as well as West Africa and Europe; that a response should be integrated and based on "shared responsibility"; and that affected Member States should ratify relevant conventions and harmonize their national laws with international law to fight crime together. Webcast of the event

16 May 2012 Simone Monasebian, Representative and Chief of the UNODC NY Office addresses ministers of the Central American Integration System (SICA) Member States at a high-level breakfast to discuss security in Central America.

11 May 2012 Simone Monasebian, Representative and Chief of UNODC's New York Office, participates in the launch of the Report of the Secretary-General: "United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy: activities of the United Nations system in implementing the Strategy" and briefing to Member States by the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF). Ms. Monasebian briefed Member States on UNODC's most recent activities and upcoming programmatic priorities in the field of Terrorism Prevention and counter-terrorism.

16 April 2012 Simone Monasebian, Chief of the New York Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, speaks to the American Bar Association, Section of International Law, at its annual visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Ms. Monasebian briefs the Association on UNODC's mandate, its role as the guardian of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and developments of recent years which include, among others, the adoption of the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons by the General Assembly in 2010.

3 April 2012 Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director, speaks at the General Assembly Interactive Dialogue on Prevention of Human Trafficking and Protection of its Victims, Especially Women and Children. Mr. Fedotov provided an update on the new challenges faced by increasingly sophisticated human trafficking networks and shared what the UN's response has been and should be going forward. He also stated that since the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking's establishment, approximately US $1 million has been pledged. The funds received are already playing a significant role in assisting victims of human trafficking worldwide. The event was organized in cooperation with the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking and featured the President of the UN General Assembly [PGA], the UN Secretary-General, the President of ECOSOC, Goodwill Ambassador Mira Sorvino, the Ambassadors of the Philippines, Portugal, Cape Verde and Luxembourg, the Executive Director of UN Women, the President of Vital Voices Global Partnership, Professor of Law Cherif Bassiouni, human trafficking survivors Somaly Mam and Rani Hong, the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, the president of the Board and Government and Corporate affairs of Manpower Group and the Director-General of the Qatar Foundation for Combating Human Trafficking, among others. UN Weblink, PGA summary, PGA event link

16 March 2012 Lions Club International and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime sign a new partnership agreement providing a framework for cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The signing ceremony took place on the occasion of the celebrations for the 34th Annual Lions Day at the United Nations. In the presence of more than 400 members of Lions Clubs gathered at the UN Headquarters from 23 countries, Mr. Wing-Kun Tam, International President, Mr. Sid L. Scruggs III, Chairperson Lions Club International Foundation and Hon. Anthony W. Paradiso welcomed the partnership "which will provide new opportunities for strengthening our collaboration and enhancing mutual understanding". Mr. Piero Bonadeo, Deputy Representative UNODC New York Office, provided a comprehensive overview of the UNODC mandate and s and underscored the many opportunities for collaboration between the two organizations. In particular Lions Quest and UNODC will be working together to implement evidence-based family skills training programmes to prevent drug use, HIV/AIDS and crime and delinquency among young people by strengthening and improving the capacity of families to take better care of children.

14 March 2012 The UNODC New York Office presents "Ashley Judd in Conversation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime", on Wednesday, 14 March, 2012, at 3pm in Conference Room 2 of the North Lawn Building of UN Headquarters in New York. This event will feature an interactive discussion between Ashley Judd, Simone Monasebian, Chief of UNODC's NY Office, and the audience, immediately followed by a booksigning of Ms. Judd's New York Times bestselling memoir "All That is Bitter and Sweet", at the UN Bookshop. A celebrated and acclaimed actress nominated for Golden Globes and Emmys, Ashley Judd has starred in over 20 films (including A Dolphin Tale, Tooth Fairy, De-Lovely, Double Jeopardy, Kiss the Girls, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, A Time to Kill, Ruby in Paradise) and on Broadway. A dedicated humanitarian, she has traveled the world, advocating on behalf of grassroots programs that focus on combating human trafficking and poverty. She received her MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where she was awarded the Dean's Scholar Award. Ms. Judd was the Keynote Speaker at the UN General Assembly's First Thematic Debate on Human Trafficking. "[All That Is Bitter And Sweet is] an important and moving memoir... Every reader will be inspired." - Bill Clinton "Ashley Judd has written a deeply moving story-amazingly, searingly, frank. It is her life story, warts and all. As I read her account of her childhood, I ask 'How could one so traumatized, so abused in childhood, become the woman we know, so caring, so altruistic, so compassionate, so concerned for others, and so joyful?" -Archbishop Desmond Tutu "All That Is Bitter and Sweet is all that is enlightening and inspiring. Ashley Judd has composed a memoir that teaches while it entrances and finds hope and faith in the most unlikely places. The book is full of real-life stories that reflect both the compassion of its author and the need for healing in the world." -Madeleine Albright

22 February 2012 The Executive Director UNODC, Mr. Yury Fedotov, briefs the Security Council on the issue of piracy in Somalia and the UN's efforts in combating piracy off the Horn of Africa. Mr. Fedotov said: "Piracy money is also being reinvested into criminal activities that are not limited to piracy. Drugs, weapons and alcohol smuggling, as well as human trafficking, also benefit from the proceeds of piracy." UNODC is working with other United Nations agencies and Member States to help to increase awareness of illicit money flows linked to piracy, in order to tackle what is a growing problem. Official Summary / More...

21 February 2012 Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director briefs the Security Council on the impact of transnational organized crime on peace, security and stability in West Africa and the Sahel region. He stresses the need for concerted and coordinated action in the face of rapidly evolving transnational threats in West Africa and the Sahel region and calls for system-wide United Nations action to help combat the spread of illicit weapon and drug smuggling, piracy and terrorist activity in a cross-section of fragile countries. "UNODC's approach has been strategic and tactical. It represents a multidimensional effort in acknowledgement of the multifaceted nature of the challenges," he said. Official Summary / More...

7 February 2012 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the Department of Political Affairs (DPA), as co-chairs of the United Nations System Task Force on Transnational Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Austria and the Permanent Mission of Mexico organize the high-level briefing on "Challenges in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking: A system wide response". The Executive Director of UNODC, Mr. Yury Fedotov and the Under Secretary-General for Political Affairs Mr. B. Lynn Pascoe, were joined by the Executive Director of UN Women Ms. Michelle Bachelet, the Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions at DPKO Mr. Dmitry Titov, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peace-building Support, Ms. Judy Cheng-Hopkins, the Assistant Secretary-General for Civilian Capacities Ms. Sarah Cliffe, along with Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Director of the Democratic Governance Group at UNDP, Ms. Marcia V.J. Kran, Director of the Research and Right to Development Division at OHCHR, Mr. Richard Morgan, Director of Policy and Practice at UNICEF, Mr. Jacob Kumaresan, Director at World Health Organization. The meeting was hosted by H.E. Martin Sajdik, Permanent Representative of Austria, and H.E. Luis-Alfonso de Alba, Permanent Representative of Mexico. Speaking after the event, Mr. Fedotov said: "This was a very important meeting. In order to adequately support the Task Force's work, Member States needed to fully appreciate both the scale of the challenges we face and how we are jointly addressing them. Ambassadors also needed to appreciate the efforts being made to ensure we are effective and efficient in the spirit of the One-UN approach." Press Release

9 December 2011 UNODC NY Office Chief, Ms. Simone Monasebian, participates in an ECOSOC special event on "Cybersecurity and Development" at UN Headquarters in New York. Opening remarks were made by H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe ECOSOC President and Permanent Representative of Zambia, amongst others, followed by a panel discussion on the issue of "An international framework to combat cybercrime and improve cybersecurity". Ms. Monasebian's remarks focussed on cybercrime and cyber security and provided ECOSOC members with a picture of the current challenges concerning cybersecurity and its links to development. Other panellists included Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré, Secretary-General of ITU, Mr. Anthony V. Teelucksingh, Senior Counsel, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, and Ms. Cheri F. McGuire, Vice-President, Global Government Affairs and Cybersecurity Policy, Symantec Corporation, exploring options for a global response to rising cybersecurity threats. Webcast of the event

23 November 2011 Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director, briefs the Security Council on the multifaceted nature of transnational organized crime and trafficking in drugs, which undermine security in many regions. Mr. Fedotov discusses UNODC's work around the world to address these threats to political and social stability, rule of law, human rights, and economic development. "We must appreciate that transnational organized crime and drug trafficking are development issues requiring a sustained approach and the long term commitment of all partners. At the core of our multilateral response must be a policy to help build the capacities of fragile and weak states, while assisting with the defenses of neighboring countries and the long term development of criminal justice systems." Official Summary / More...

22 November 2011 UNODC launches the new publication The Criminal Justice Response to Support Victims of Acts of Terrorism at UN Headquarters with: Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director of UNODC; Robert Orr, Chair of the UN Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force; Mira Sorvino, Academy Award Winning Actress and UNODC Goodwill Ambassador; Juan Pablo de Laglesia, Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations; Fernando Alzate, Deputy Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations; and Carie Lemack, Co-Founder of the Global Survivors Network. Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, speaks on the important role of UNODC in helping member states implement legal measures to address the needs of victims and their families. "Making victims the central part of any criminal justice response to terrorism is imperative. Not only must they be encouraged to be a major part of bearing witness in the courtrooms but their care and compensation for what they and those close to them have suffered must be of utmost importance to legal systems around the world." Robert Orr, Chair of CTITF, stresses the importance of helping victims find their public voice to shed light on issues that would otherwise not be addressed. "The CTITF continues to be committed to elaborating on the compendium of best practices on supporting terrorism victims, including media coverage and exploring options for financial and material support for victims." Webcast of launch event / More...

2 November 2011 The UNODC New York Office participates in the event entitled "Human Trafficking and Transnational Organized Crime: Assessing International Trends and Combat Strategies" of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) in Washington, DC. Represented by Mr. Piero Bonadeo, the NY Office was able to share its view and perspectives on the current international trends in transnational organized human trafficking rings. In addition, the NY Office explained UNODC's strategies to combat Organized Crime, as well as how multilateral organizations like the UN and the OSCE can collaborate. Apart from UNODC, the event featured US Senator Mr. Marco Rubio, the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice Mr. Greg Andres, and Pro Bono Counsel of The Freedom Network USA Ms. Martina Vandenberg.
1 November 2011 Simone Monasebian Chief of UNODC NY Office speaks as a panellist on individual criminal responsibility at a conference organized under Portugal's Presidency of the Security Council. The full day conference on "Accountability and Fact-Finding Mechanisms for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law The Role of the Security Council - Past and Future", was held at the International Peace Institute in New York. More
31 October 2011 UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov and UNHCR High Commissioner Antionio Guterres sign a Memorandum of Understanding between their two agencies at UN Headquarters, operationalizing their joint work into a framework for further cooperartion. Messrs. Fedotov and Guterres discussed how the Memorandum will build upon their past successes in joint programming and lead to further work on important issues of joint interest, such as the vulnerability of refugees to human trafficking.

25 October 2011 Ms. Simone Monasebian, Chief of the UNODC New York Office, participates in a panel discussion on "The right to an effective remedy for trafficked persons", organized by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York, in collaboration with the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Ms. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo. Ms. Monasebian underlined the key role of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons adopted by the General Assembly in 2010, in particular Article 32 of the plan which calls upon member states to provide assistance and services for the physical, psychological and social recovery and rehabilitation of trafficked persons. Amongst a variety of factors, the provision of such services is fundamental for the realization of the right to an effective remedy. Ms. Monasebian highlighted the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children which provides humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims through established channels of assistance and in particular NGOs as vehicle for triggering dynamic partnerships amongst key actors working on the complex and multifaceted issue of trafficking in persons.
12 October 2011 The UNODC New York Office participates in a meeting organized by the Better World Campaign and the UN Foundation for Members and Officers of the US Congress in Washington. Represented by Mr. Piero Bonadeo, the NY Office had the unique opportunity to bring to the attention of more than 230 attendees the critical work of the UNODC highlighting the benefits of a strong US engagement with UNODC. The event was moderated by Mr. Timothy E. Wirth, President of the UN Foundation and Better World Fund, and had interventions by Ms. Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, and Mr. Peter Yeo, Executive Director of the Better World Campaign, among others. During the reception following the event, the NY Office had the opportunity to exchange information and raise visibility on critical issues such as human trafficking, assistance to victims of crime and terrorism, and drug addiction.

23 September 2011 UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov meets with H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, the 66th President of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters. They discussed the importance of addressing transnational organized crime and drug trafficking as a threat to development.

23 September 2011 Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Directory, addresses the High Level Event on Peacebuilding in Guinea, held at UN Headquarters. The meeting was chaired by the Peacebuilding Commission Guinea Configuration Chair H.E. Ms. Sylvie Lucas, Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations. Ms. Lucas was joined on the podium by H.E. Alpha Conde, President of the Republic of Guinea and Ms. Judy Cheng-Hopkins, Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding Support. The meeting was also attended by Ministers representing members of the Guinea Configuration and Mr. Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOWA. Mr. Fedotov discussed UNODC's work in helping draft various joint policy papers on Guinea and its participation in the inter-agency peacebuilding process, stating clearly that UNODC's prime objective is to consult on the formation of a national strategy against illicit drug trafficking and organized crime in Guinea, under the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for West Africa 2010-2014.
23 September 2011 Mr. Yury Fedotov participates in the launch of the web portal Freedom Without Borders created by the First Lady of the Dominican Republic, H.E. Dr. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, who is a member of the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN. GIFT) Women Leaders' Council, held at the South-South News Headquarters in New York. The launch was organized in collaboration with Airline Ambassadors International and gathered representative of Member States, Civil Society Organizations and private sector. "With females disproportionately affected by human trafficking, it is encouraging to see the actions of the Women Leaders' Council and those of Dr. Cedeño de Fernández which demonstrates the vital role of women in the fight against this crime" said the Executive Director who also recalled that: "It is only through working together from the community-level right through to the international arena that we can break this crime and put an end to human trafficking. "Underlying the importance of knowledge dissemination which was the topic of the Freedom Without Borders launch, the Executive Director highlighted the work of two key UNODC supported initiatives - the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking and the UN.GIFT.HUB. More...

21 September 2011 Mr. Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director, speaks at the event "Innovative Collaborations to Combat Human Trafficking" held at UN Headquarters. The event is sponsored by the US Mission to the UN and the Permanent Missions of Brazil and The Netherlands to the UN. The event, moderated by Ms. Simone Monasebian, Chief UNODC New York Office, also featured US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues H.E. Ms. Melanne Verveer, Minister of the Office for Policy for Women of Brazil H.E. Ms. Iriny Lopes, Director General of the of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands H.E. Ms. Yoka Brandt, US Ambassador-at-Large for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons H.E. Mr. Luis CdeBaca, and the President of Corporate and Government Affairs for Manpower Group Mr. David Arkless. Held on the margins of the opening of the 66th General Assembly, the event showcases the innovative collaborations in the efforts to combat human trafficking, such as public-private partnerships or awareness programs that engage new media technology. Mr. Fedotov spoke about the important role that collaboration plays in the UN's efforts to combat human trafficking: "Innovative collaboration and partnership are indeed the only effective responses to the abominable crime known as trafficking in persons." As an example of collaboration with public and private sector donors as well as with grass-roots organizations, Mr. Fedotov discussed the UN Trust Fund to Combat Trafficking in Persons: "...the Trust Fund capitalizes on the global presence of the UN and directs institutional resources to local needs. It is this think-global-but-act-local vision that allows the Trust Fund to act as a conduit for international donations from all over the world to worthy grass-roots assistance." Mr. Fedotov closed by highlighting the central role UNODC plays in collaboration within the UN System and with external partners in combating human trafficking: "...UNODC is keenly aware of its role as the central actor on this crime within the UN system. The success of our mission depends on a multi-dimensional, partnership-based approach that places creativity and innovation at its centre."
24 June 2011 Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, addressed the Security Council to discuss drug trafficking and transnational organized crime as serious threats to international security in some regions of the world. Mr. Fedotov emphasized the scope and challenge of the problem, stating that drug trafficking alone fuels a global criminal enterprise worth hundreds of billions of dollars - $68 billion in opiates, and $85 billion in cocaine annually - which seriously impacts development and security. "Confronting the global drug problem is a shared responsibility," said Mr. Fedotov, "Our response at the national, regional and international levels must be comprehensive, balanced and targeted... Coordination has to begin with the United Nations system, but cannot end there. The Security Council can no doubt play a leading role here." Official Summary.

23 June 2011 UNODC launched the 2011 World Drug Report at UN Headquarters with the President of the General Assembly H.E. Joseph Deiss, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov, Director of the Russian Federal Service for the Control of Narcotics Victor Ivanov, UNODC Goodwill Ambassador Christopher Lawford Kennedy, and Actress, Writer and Activist Mackenzie Phillips. "The global drug threat has not diminished," said Mr. Fedotov, "Instead, World Drug Report 2011 found that the production and consumption of certain drugs had shifted." Citing rising production of cocaine in Peru and opium in Myanmar. The mortality rate from drug consumption was still "terrifying" at about 200,000 deaths annually, he added. Webcast of launch event / Press Release / More...

18 March 2011 UNODC New York Office Chief, Simone Monasebian, delivered a passionate presentation at the 33 rd Annual Lions Day at the UN. In the fully packed ECOSOC Chamber, Ms. Monasebian proposed that UNODC work with Lions Club International to help prevent children and youth from using drugs by working with families and communities to improve the health and decision-making skills of young people. Ms. Monasebian outlined UNODC's ongoing projects in Central Asia, the Balkans and in Central America that implement culturally-sensitive family skills training programmes with strong monitoring and evaluations components. She also discussed the evidenced-based life skills education curriculum that the UNODC Regional Office in Cairo has used for training teachers in North Africa and the Middle East. A partnership between UNODC and Lions Club International, a community-focused organization with chapters all over the world, would be a positive way to reach out to families and communities in low and middle-income countries. Lions Club International's Lions Quest programme effectively implements positive youth development programs by equipping educators with current research, materials and strategies that address critical issues facing youth. Speaking about the programme Ms. Monasebian said: "Lions Quest is one of the many important Lions Club programs that support the MDGs. We at the UN cannot reach these goals without the tireless service of volunteers like you." Due to similar focus on addressing issues affecting youth, cooperation between UNODC and Lions club International would allow for an effective partnership. Lions Day celebrates the historic 66-year partnership between Lions Clubs International and the United Nations. Events included youth concerts, a luncheon with UN Ambassadors and presentations by UN officials. Representatives from Lions Clubs all over the world were in attendance for this high energy conference.
8 March 2011 A group of passionate students brought their positive energy to help the New York Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) stop human trafficking.Thirteen students from the Benedictine Academy, an all-girls inner-city school in Elizabeth, NJ. presented UNODC's NY Office with examples of their home-grown advocacy materials, such as a short documentary on child trafficking in the cocoa industry, a rap song on human trafficking, advocacy wristbands, and an informational banner they've hung at nearby businesses, high schools and colleges. The students' positive energy embodies the idea of thinking globally and acting locally. They are using their advocacy materials to inform their local community about the global problem of human trafficking, while also educating consumers on how to identify goods potentially made through slave labor, such as demonstrating what chocolate products are "guilty-free." Moved by UNODC's Blue Heart Campaign, the students have used the symbol of the blue heart as the focus of their advocacy efforts. The Blue Heart Campaign was developed by UNODC to raise awareness globally on the issue of human trafficking, with the image of the blue heart representing both the sadness of those who are trafficked and the cold-heart of those who buy and sell fellow human beings. To date, the students have raised $100 through their sale of wristbands imprinted with a blue heart and their slogan: "HUH - Hearts Uniting Hearts." As a token of their dedication, the Benedictine Academy generously donated this $100 to UNODC for its efforts to end human trafficking. Also, the students presented a banner with 108 signatures of their classmates all pledging to raise awareness to help stop human trafficking. By advocating in such an effective manner, the students demonstrate the importance of community-based campaigns and initiatives in combating this heinous crime. The meeting was a mutual learning experience. The students were excited to hear how UNODC combats human trafficking globally; while the UNODC NY Office was infected by the student's enthusiasm and dedication to help end human trafficking in their community. The students are mentored by Sister Donna Jo Repetti and Linda Michalski, who help turn their ideas into concrete action. In a thank you letter to the NY Office, Linda wrote that the meeting made the students "feel ten feet tall" and "empowered them to continue to take action to be a voice for the voiceless."
2 March 2011 UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, and Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for DPKO, signed a joint plan of action to further strengthen their cooperation in the battle against drugs and organized crime in conflict and post-conflict zones and to proactively address threats to stability and security. Mr. Fedotov said: "Development needs security to succeed. The United Nations must integrate responses to transnational organized crime, including criminal justice reform, into its peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security, development and disarmament activities. The UNODC-Department of Peacekeeping Operations joint plan of action is an important step in this direction." Mr. Le Roy commented: ""The Department of Peacekeeping Operations undertakes a wide variety of complex tasks to help countries torn by conflict to create the conditions for lasting peace, from helping to build sustainable institutions of governance to security sector reform and human rights monitoring. In order to strengthen these tasks, the organization seeks partners with comparative advantage in particular areas to help to push for national ownership and capacity development through provision of knowledge and expertise." Under the new joint plan of action, the two bodies will cooperate in implementing specific activities based on common objectives, including the development of guidance materials and policy in such areas as criminal justice reform, prisons and management of correctional institutions in post-conflict settings; security sector reform; the strengthening of State mechanisms in dealing with criminal networks; trafficking in drugs and persons; and the fight against corruption and the plundering of natural resources. More...

16 December 2010 UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, along with partners from ECOWAS, UNOWA, DPKO, DPA, and INTERPOL, presented a High Level Briefing session on the drug trafficking and organized crime situation in the West African region. Mr. Fedotov acknowledged that progress is being made in the region, but emphasized that illicit trafficking and organized crime undermine stability and security globally. Mr. Fedotov also noted that West Africa is a major transit route for counterfeit medicines, the smuggling of commodities and people for sexual exploitation, and risked becoming a major safe haven for terrorists if the narcotics trafficking problem remained unaddressed. The Regional Programme will work in cooperation with ECOWAS states and UNOWA based on the principle of shared responsibility. It will address the transcontinental nature of the challenge, in particular, the transatlantic route. It will focus on peace building, security sector reform, and national and regional institution- and capacity-building. The partners and States will work to strengthen action in the areas of organized crime, trafficking and terrorism, justice and integrity, drug prevention and health as well as awareness raising and research. At the conclusion of the High Level Briefing session, Mr. Fedotov launched the UNODC Regional Programme for West Africa 2010-2014 with enthusiastic support from the member states in attendance. Press Release

15 December 2010 Academy Award winning actress, humanitarian and UNODC Goodwill Ambassador, Mira Sorvino, was awarded the Global Advocate of the Year Award, for her support in highlighting the plight of victims of human trafficking, by the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA), the UN's press corps in New York. UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, introduced Ms. Sorvino and praised her work in fighting this crime which traps over 2.4 million people globally: "Human trafficking is a complex problem, and the challenges remain daunting. But all over the world, momentum is growing to stop this shameful violation of human rights and human dignity. Mira Sorvino has made an enormous contribution to this momentum. Her work onscreen and off has lent a voice to the voiceless." Presented by the Secretary-General, the Award recognizes Ms. Sorvino's work in raising awareness about the crime of human trafficking which has become one of today's top concerns. More...

9 November 2010 UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, briefs the Security Council on the latest developments with regards to piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia. Mr. Fedotov said that more needed to be done to arrest and prosecute Somali pirates operating off the Horn of Africa and in the Indian Ocean. He called for support to expand his Office's regional programme to more countries; enable Somalia to upgrade its prisons and courts; and ensure that Somali pirates convicted in other countries can serve their sentences in their home country. The efforts of UNODC and its multilateral partners have had considerable success across the criminal justice sector. "With the right support from the international community, they have the potential to become even more effective and lead to a long-term solution" said the Executive Director. More...

4 November 2010 In a bid to help the victims of human trafficking, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, with Hollywood stars and humanitarian activists Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Joining them were Joseph Deiss, President of the General Assembly, Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, former trafficking victims, and New York Times journalist-author and Pulitzer Prize-winner Nicholas Kristof. The Trust Fund is one of the most important elements of the new United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons adopted by the General Assembly in July 2010. It will provide humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims of human trafficking with the aim of increasing the number of victims who are rescued and supported, and broadening the extent of assistance they receive. For information on how to pledge, please contact Ms. Simone Monasebian, Chief of UNODC New York Office, at 1-212-963-5631 ( monasebian@un.org ) or visit the Trust Fund page. Celebrated humanitarians and actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher led the Fund's kickoff, along with H.E. Joseph Deiss, President of the UN General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, New York Times Pulitzer Prize winning author-journalist Nicholas Kristof, and UNODC Executive-Director Yury Fedotov, among others. Also attending the launch were civil society leaders who have championed trafficking victims' rights, as well as experts from academia and law enforcement, private sector supporters of the cause, and survivors of modern day slavery. The event is webcasted at http://www.un.org/webcast. For more information, see the Media Advisory or visit the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking website.
22 September 2010 UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, participated in the Treaty Event marking the Accession of Gabon to the Trafficking In Persons and Firearms Protocols. H.E. Mr. Paul Toungui, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gabon, signed the Treaty Deposit and expressed the commitment of his country to combat the scourge of trafficking in firearms and human beings. The Executive Director offered UNODC's support in the implementation of the Protocols. Photo: H.E. Mr. Paul Toungui, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gabon; Patricia O'Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, who oversaw the protocols' signing; and UNODC Executive Director, Mr. Yury Fedotov.

19 September 2010 UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, meets with H.E. Joseph Deiss, President of the General Assembly. They discussed the importance of drug and crime control as part of the UN development and security agendas. The General Assembly will focus its discussions during the High-Level Segment on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and it was agreed that action against drugs and crime would contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.

13 September 2010 Mr. Yury Fedotov, the new Executive Director of UNODC, spelled out the initial priorities for his Office upon assuming duties today. Formerly Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Mr. Fedotov is also Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), the third United Nations office after New York and Geneva. Appointed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Mr. Fedotov will place a strong emphasis on safeguarding health, human rights and justice in drugs and crime policy. "I want this Office to make a significant contribution to economic and social progress," he said. An experienced diplomat, Mr. Fedotov has represented the Russian Federation at the main deliberative bodies of the United Nations in New York. He has also been posted to Algeria and India and served as a member of the College of Commissioners of the former United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in Iraq. His awards include the Order of Friendship, several medals and a Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the President of the Russian Federation.
16 July 2010 UNODC NY Office Chief, Simone Monasebian, and Ambassador Peter Wittig of the Federal Republic of Germany, in the presence of Ambassador Ronald Jean Jumeau, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Seychelles to the United Nations, sign an agreement in support of the Republic of the Seychelles. According to this agreement, Germany will assist training within the judicial sector of the Seychelles through UNODC. Ambassador Wittig remarked: "The negative impact of piracy on international maritime traffic, international trade and international security require all our joint efforts to tackle this challenge. Germany appreciates the efforts of the Government of the Seychelles to contribute to this international fight against piracy and is pleased to be able to assist in strenghtening the regional capacities through our co-operation with UNODC."

17 June 2010 UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, participates in a roundtable meeting, Transnational Organized Crime as a Threat to Peace and Security, at the Council on Foreign Relations. The other discussant was Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni, Distinguished Research Professor of Law Emeritus and President Emeritus, International Human Rights Law Institute, DePaul University College of Law. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Stewart M. Patrick, Senior Fellow and Director, International Institutions and Global Governance Program, Council on Foreign Relations. On its website, The Council of Foreign Relations has made available audio of the discussion and a copy of the transcript.
16 June 2010 UNODC, The U.S. Mission to the U.N. and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University hosted a panel discussion, "Hidden in Plain Sight: The news media's role in exposing human trafficking." The Keynote speaker was Ambassador Luis CdeBaca, Ambassador-at-Large, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. The moderator was Lynn Sherr, former ABC Correspondent and current writer for the Daily Beast. Panelists included: Antonio Maria Costa, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of UNODC; Guy Jacobson, documentary filmmaker; Mike McGraw, Pulitzer-prize winning reporter, Kansas City Star; Benjamin Skinner, Schuster Institute Senior Fellow; Noy Thrupkaew, Open Society Fellow.

10 June 2010 UNODC NY Office Programme Management Officer, Shashi Kara, participates in a DPI/NGO briefing, "High Tide, High Crime: Piracy and Other Crimes of the Sea." Mr. Kara discussed the problem of piracy, how it is interlinked with other crimes such as drugs and arms trafficking, and the important role of UNODC, including its Counter Piracy Programme. He described how piracy is not just a criminal justice issue but also one which affects economic and social development. To view the webcast of the briefing visit: UN Webcast Archives. For more information on the issue of piracy please visit our website.

21 April 2010 UNODC NY Office Chief, Simone Monasebian, participates in an OLA/UNITAR Seminar on International Treaty Law and Practice. The seminar consisted of core lectures, case studies and practical exercises to assist countries in undertaking multilateral treaty actions and registering treaties with the Secretariat more effectively.
19 March 2010 Antonio Maria Costa speaks to the Security Council on the issue of small arms trafficking. Mr. Costa's remarks: "Lords of War: a threat to security and justice."
24 February 2010 Mr. Costa briefs the Security Council on organized crime.

08 December 2009 Antonio Maria Costa speaks at a Security Council meeting on peace and security in Africa and the issue of drug trafficking as a threat to international security. Mr. Costa's remarks...

4 December 2009 Academy award winning actor and filmmaker Nicolas Cage is appointed Goodwill Ambassador for Global Justice for UNODC. The appointment was made by UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa at the fourteenth annual benefit dinner of the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA), in New York. On that occasion, Mr. Cage was also awarded the UNCA Global Citizen of the Year Award for Humanitarian Achievements. More...

5 November 2009 UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, addresses a Security Council meeting on developments in Guinea Bissau and the activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in that country. Mr. Costa warned, "West Africa is now on the verge of becoming a source of drugs, not only a transit area. Organized crime is growing indigenous roots." The predicted and much dreaded scenario according to which substances under international control would be produced and processed in the area is unfolding at an alarming rate.

15 September 2009 UNODC's NY Office hosts a panel discussion and book signing featuring New York Times Pulitzer Prize winning authors/journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Antonio Maria Costa, the Executive Director of UNODC, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon delivers the opening remarks. The focus of the panel discussion is human trafficking and other issues affecting women that are featured in the book "Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide," by Mr. Kristof and Ms. WuDunn. Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are the first married couple to win a Pulitzer Prize in journalism; they won for their coverage of China as New York Times correspondents. Mr. Kristof won a second Pulitzer Prize for his op-ed columns in the New York Times. He has also served as bureau chief in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo, and as associate managing editor. At the New York Times, Ms. WuDunn worked as a business editor and a foreign correspondent in Tokyo and Beijing. More...

12 May 2009 UNODC's NY Office unveils "Welcome to Gulu," an art exhibition of paintings created by former child soldiers and abducted girls, curated by acclaimed American artist Ross Bleckner. The New York Times has described the paintings as "luminous," in a recent article " For Child Soldiers, a Chance to Wield Brushes, Not Arms" by Randy Kennedy. Proceeds raised by the sale of the children's paintings will benefit former child soldiers and abducted girls. Also at this evening's gala, Ross Bleckner will be appointed a UNODC Goodwill Ambassador to Combat Human Trafficking. The evening's hosts include Academy Award winning actor Nicolas Cage, designers Calvin Klein and Donna Karan, artists Jeff Koons and Brice Mardenamong others. More... / Media Advisory... / The Secretary General's remarks at the opening of "Welcome to Gulu"...
12 February 2009 UNODC's NY Office hosts a panel discussion, "Exposing Denial and Benign Neglect," on the occasion of the launch of UNODC's Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Panelists include: UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, Simone Monasebian, Chief of the UNODC New York Office, Minister Valentin Rybakov of Belarus, Ambassador Maged Abdelaziz of Egypt, author Kevin Bales, filmmaker Robert Bilheimer and Academy Award winning actress Mira Sorvino. At this event, Mira Sorvino was appointed UNODC Goodwill Ambassador. More... / View Photos... To view the webcast of the panel discussion and the appointment ceremony visit: Archived Webcasts of Special Events

8-18 January 2009 UNODC's NY Office undertakes mission to Gulu, Uganda. Simone Monasebian, Chief of the UNODC NY Office, Anna Kennedy, Criminal Justice Officer, renown American painter Ross Bleckner, and UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa undertake new initiative to combat child soldiering. UNODC, in partnership with the ICC Trust Fund for Victims, organize a workshop to assist in the rehabilitation of former child soldiers and abducted girls through art therapy. Gulu children express themselves and come to terms with their past through art.
22 September 2008 UNODC's NY Office and the International Peace Institute (IPI) host a breakfast policy forum: "Crime as an Impediment to Security and Development in Africa." The forum, chaired by UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, and HE Mr. Terje Rod-Larsen, President of the International Peace Institute, features the following speakers: Ambassador Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for West Africa, HE Ms. Amina Salum Ali, the Permanent Representative to the African Union's Mission to the United State and Mr. Patrick Hayford, Director of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, United Nation. More...
26 June 2008 The World Drug Report 2008 is launched in New York by Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa. The report shows that the recent stabilization in the world drugs market is under threat because of a surge in opium and coca cultivation in rebel-held areas of Afghanistan and Colombia. Higher drug use in developing countries could also undermine recent progress in drug control. More...
25 June 2008 UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, addresses a Security Council meeting during its consideration of the report of the Secretary General on the developments in Guinea Bissau and on the activities of the UN in that country. More...
3 June 2008 The Shana Alexander Foundation hosts a luncheon, at the Delegates Dining Room West Terrace in NY, on the occasion of the UN General Assembly Thematic Debate on Human Trafficking and in recognition of the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. In attendance were His Excellency Dr. Srgjan Kerim, President of the 62nd UN General Assembly, Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of UNODC, and critically acclaimed actress Ashley Judd.
3 June 2008 UNODC participates in the first UN General Assembly Thematic Debate on Human Trafficking is held at UNHQ in New York. Relevant Documents
2-3 June 2008 UNODC's NY Office in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), present "Criminal Justice Responses Against Trafficking in Persons-Role Play Performance: Mock Interview and Trial Programme," an interactive cutting-edge human trafficking mock trial and role play. The event was organized as part of UN.GIFT, the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking.
2 June 2008 At a side event preceding the UN General Assembly Thematic Debate on Human Trafficking, UNODC's NY Office and the Australian Mission host a panel discussion on the problems of human trafficking and screened a film on the issue as well. Details...

7 May 2008 The World Bank, in partnership with UNODC, The Ricky Martin Foundation, The International Justice Mission, and Free The Slaves, launch a Symposium and Exhibition titled: "Borderless Captivity: Exploitation and Human Trafficking." The exhibition is designed as a visual narrative to tell a story not only of abuse and despair, but of education, hope and redemption. The photos, providing an unforgettable snapshot of the worldwide problem of human trafficking, will remain on display at the World Bank through 30 May 2008. More...

4 April 2008 UNODC NY Office Chief goes to the hill for briefings: The Humpty Dumpty Institute brings Simone Monasebian, Chief of the New York Office of UNODC, to brief House and Senate Staffers in Washington DC. More...
12 December 2007 UNODC awards the Crown Prince of Qatar a certificate of honor in New York. UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, awards Qatar's Crown Prince, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, for his efforts to encourage young people to turn away from narcotics and achieve their full potential through sport. Announcing the Certificate of Honour at UN Headquarters, Mr. Costa commended the Crown Prince for setting up the Doha-based Global Sport Fund. More...
7 December 2007 Academy Award winning actress Mira Sorvino supports the work of UNODC in fighting human trafficking at NY UNCA dinner. Each year, the United Nations Correspondents Association Awards Dinner honors recipients for the best written and electronic media coverage of the United Nations. The UNCA Awards Committee is a non-profit organization devoted to encouraging and rewarding excellence in journalism around the world. The dinner was hosted by the Secretary General. More...
29 October 2007 UNODC's NY Office launches a photo exhibition, "Human Trafficking: Images of Vulnerability": The Executive Director of UNODC, Mr. Antonio Maria Costa, and Mrs. Ban Soon-taek, wife of the Secretary-General, open the photography exhibition which provided a snapshot of human trafficking around the world. The exhibition featured the photography of Howard G. Buffett, President of the Howard G. Buffett Foundation; Academy Award nominated director, Robert Bilheimer; and, international photojournalist Kay Chernush. From the exhibition, Mark's Story.

7 October 2007 Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of UNODC, presides over the NY launch of a UNODC survey on opium cultivation. As he launched the latest periodic report on cultivation in the so-called Golden Triangle, Mr. Costa said, "the situation in Myanmar, from the vantage point of opium, is extremely alarming." More...
19 September 2007 UNODC's NY Office hosts the first Hollywood world premiere event ever to be organized at UNHQ. The premiere of the film 'Trade' took place in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, in the presence of the Secretary-General and Mrs. Ban, UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim, the film producers, directors and actors and numerous Hollywood stars... New York Times movie details... / Event Photos... Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of UNODC, and Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Kline, hold a briefing on the film "Trade" and the issue of human trafficking. At the briefing, held at UN Headquarters in New York, Mr. Costa called human trafficking the "modern-day version of slavery" and said he hopes the film will "create worldwide awareness to motivate [all] to join forces" in the fight to end the practice. Briefing Photos...

9 June 2007 UNODC and the Humpty Dumpty Institute sponsor a forum at the Jackson Hole Film Festival. Panelists include, Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of U.N. Office of Drug & Crime, Georgette Mosbacher, CEO Borghese Cosmetics, Julia Ormond, actress and U.N. Goodwill Ambassador, Robert Bilheimer, Academy Award nominated film producer, Rosilyn Heller, film producer, Shakira Parveen, victim of Human Trafficking and advocate; and moderated by CNN anchor, Jim Clancy. The forum addresses the global crisis of human trafficking and the role of film and new media play in raising awareness. More...

12 April 2007 UNODC's NY Office in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Thailand, the NGO Committee on Human Rights and the Unitarian Universalist UN Office host a panel discussion, "Human Traffic, Human Rights: Redefining Challenges." The Speakers include John R. Miller, Former U.S. Ambassador at Large on Modern Day Slavery and Senior Adviser on international slavery to the Secretary of State, Marianne Møllmann, Advocacy Director, Women's Rights Division, Human Rights Watch, Christina Arnold, Executive Director, Project Hope International and Simone Monasebian, Chief of the UNODC New York Office.
2 April 2007 UNODC's NY Office Chief, Simone Monasebian, participates in a UNITAR Peace and Security Series Seminar on Preventing Genocide. The session focuses on strengthening the rule of law and in particular the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide.
5 March 2007 UN Officials press for urgent action to end 'modern-day slave trade' at The International Conference on Trafficking in Women and Girls, co-organized by UNODC's NY Office. View the Programme and Statements.

30 November 2006 UNODC's NY Office, along with New York University's (NYU) Center for Global Affairs and Vital Voices Global Partnership, hold an event entitled, "Human Trafficking: A Global Challenge in Our Own Backyard," to raise awareness of the global scourge of human trafficking and to commemorate the United Nation's International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. A transcript of the event can be found here.

30 November 2006 UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, takes part in a breakfast panel discussion, "International Corruption: The Price Everyone Pays," co-hosted by the United Nations Association of the USA Business Council for the United Nations and the United Nations Foundation. The panel, held at the Metropolitan Club in New York, also features Mr. James Wolfensohn, former President of the World Bank, and Mr. Benjamin W. Heineman, Jr., former VP and Counsel of General Electric. View Mr. Costa's Statement.
8 September 2006 Simone Monasebian, Chief of the UNODC NY Office, participates in a special event at the 59th Annual Department of Public Information/NGO Conference. The event launched the Redlight Children Campaign, a worldwide grassroots human rights initiative promoting awareness and practical action to reduce the number of sexually exploited children.
15 December 2005 UNODC holds a panel discussion on the UN Convention Against Corruption, which entered into force on 14 December 2005. The panelists include Mr. Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of UNODC, Ambassador John Bolton, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN and Ibrahim Gambari, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, among others. More...
2 December 2005 On the occasion of the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, UNODC hosts a Panel Discussion on human trafficking and Goodwill ambassdor appointment ceremony. The panel, hosted by UNODC executive director, Antonio Maria Costa, featured Nancy Kassebaum Baker, former U.S. Senator, Melanne Verveer, Chair of the Board of Vital Voices Global Partnership, human rights activist Bianca Jagger, Jessica Neuwirth, President of Equality Now, and actress Julia Ormond. British actress and activist Julia Ormond was appointed UNODC Goodwill Ambassador by Antonio Maria Costa. During her service, Ms. Ormond will focus on anti-human trafficking initiatives. At a press conference for her appointment, Ms. Ormond stressed the pervasiveness of modern day slavery and the need to find solutions that are tailored to the local reality.
21 November 2005 Jointly organized by UNODC's NY Office and DPI, a seminar- "Critical Perspectives in Combating Genocide: What we can do to prevent. What we can do during. What we must do after," takes place at UN Headquarters. The seminar features a distinguished panel of speakers, who have worked across a range of fields in the aftermath of genocide and continue to work tirelessly to prevent genocide from occurring again. Included on the panel was UNODC NY Office Chief, Simone Monasebian.
10 November 2005 Simone Monasebian, Chief of UNODC's NY Office, participates in an OLA/UNITAR seminar on deposit of treaty actions; speaking on the challenge of prosecuting offenders before an international criminal tribunal.
18 October 2005 UNODC's NY Office, in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations University, organize a workshop on international trafficking in human beings as part of the "UNITAR/ United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)/International Organization for Migration (IOM) Key Migration Issues Workshop Series".
8 September 2005 UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa, participates in the DPI/NGO Conference, "Our Challenge: Voices for Peace, Partnership and Renewal," at UN Headquarters in New York. He spoke on a panel, "Collective Security:The Priorities of Civil Society," that focused on respect for human rights as the driving force behind peace, security and development.
Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General
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