Corruption: additional information
The Anticorruption Office of Argentina carries out investigations into acts of corruption involving national officials. Investigations are based on complaints made by citizens, media, other public agencies or through the office itself. Where the facts are confirmed, according to certain requirements, the office makes the corresponding complaint to the courts. To make a complaint, please visit the Anti-Corruption Office' website (in Spanish).
The Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) receives complaints concerning the protection of public property, the control over the application of federal public resources, corruption prevention and combat, ombudsman activities and boosting transparency in management within the federal public administration. To make a complaint, visit CGU's website (in Portuguese).
ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
IDB: Integrity
INTERPOL - International Criminal Police Organization
StAR - Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative
Transparency International
World Bank: Governance & Anti-Corruption
ALAC: Centro de Incidencia y Asesoría Legal (Uruguay)
Banco Mundial: Gobernanza y Control de Corrupción
Oficina Anticorrupción (Argentina)
Banco Mundial: Governança e Anti-Corrupção
Biblioteca Virtual da Corrupção
CGU - Controladoria-Geral da União
Contas Abertas
CONACI - Conselho Nacional de órgãos de Controle Interno dos Estados Brasileiros e do Distrito Federal
Criscor - Cristãos contra a Corrupção
Instituto Ethos
O Que Você Tem a Ver com a Corrupção?
Portal da Transparência
Transparência Brasil