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Probation and Aftercare Service

With the motto “offenders can change”, Kenya’s Probation and Aftercare Service (PACS) is a government institution involved in the administration of criminal justice with responsibility for the management of community corrections.

 PACS mission:

  • To promote and enhance the administration of justice, community safety and public protection through provision of social inquiry reports, supervision, rehabilitation and reintegration of non-custodial offenders, victim support and crime prevention.

Areas of cooperation

Through PLEAD, our partnership with PACS focuses on strengthening the department’s technical and operational capacity. One desired outcome is to build the capacity of PACS to manage and supervise alternative sanctions, contributing to an annual increase in the use of alternatives to imprisonment, i.e. Community Service Orders (CSOs) and Probation Orders.

Our main areas of cooperation include:

  • Supporting PACS on institutional change and supporting a review of their Standard Operating Procedures
  • Supporting the development and roll-out of national curricula and training guides for probation officers and volunteer probation officers, including conducting training needs assessments
  • Developing the juvenile and youth strategy including review of the Throughcare and Aftercare procedures for juveniles
  • Assisting with formulating a National Policy on Reintegration of Offenders and with implementing offender empowerment programmes in numerous PLEAD focal counties
  • Assisting PACS to raise its profile and improve understanding of its expanded mandate among other justice institutions and Kenyan citizens
  • Supporting the development of a Psychosocial Management Supervision Manual
  • Supporting training for PACS officers and magistrates on the effective use and management of the CSOs Programme
  • Improving understanding of probation and visibility of PACS. 

