UNODC launches campaign advocating for an East African society with “One Less Victim” of child trafficking.

Children represent a significant proportion of trafficking victims worldwide, with girls being disproportionately affected. According to the 2022 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (GLOTIP), more than half of trafficked persons in Sub-Saharan Africa are children, often trafficked for forced labour.

In response to this global challenge and to commemorate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons celebrated on 30th July 2024, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has launched the “One Less Victim” campaign to raise awareness across communities in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and promote a whole-of-society and whole-of-government response to child trafficking in East Africa. 

A video narrating the harrowing yet hopeful journey of a child who escaped the clutches of traffickers is the centrepiece of the campaign. The story humanizes the often-faceless statistics of child trafficking and highlights the resilience and courage of survivors. It showcases the importance of community vigilance, support systems, and the role of law enforcement in protecting vulnerable children. Most crucially, it calls upon society to come together, recognize the signs of trafficking, and take action to prevent it. 

Call to Action

You can play a crucial role in raising awareness and mobilizing action against child trafficking. Amplify the message and share the “One Less Victim” campaign video on social media using the hashtags #OneLessVictim and #EndHumanTrafficking

If you suspect someone might be a victim of chid trafficking, please call these hotlines:

  • In Kenya: 0733 721 566 / 0780 211 113 
  • In Tanzania: + 255 699 998 899
  • In Uganda: +256 718441077 / +256 756966914

Everyone is encouraged to use these hotlines to report trafficking cases and play a role in the fight against child trafficking. Through awareness, community involvement, and strong partnerships, we can make the world safer children. Together, we can make a difference and create a world with “One Less Victim” of child trafficking.

For more information about the campaign and how to get involved, follow us in our social media channels:

Facebook - UNODC - Eastern Africa
Twitter / X - @UNODC_EA
