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Preventing and Countering Violent extremism (PCVE) Bespoke Course Finalised In Uganda
Entebbe, 15 October 2021 --The Uganda Prisons Academy and Training School (PATS) has carried out a final review of a bespoke de-radicalisation training manual to be designed and printed for use in the training of in-service prisons staff. “Essentials in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism”, the draft handbook was reviewed by a team of 13 senior prisons trainers (eight men and five women) from PATS at a two-day workshop (14-15 October 2021) at Admas Grand Hotel, Entebbe.
The workshop was facilitated virtually by Dr. Peter Bennett, a United Kingdom-based United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) prison security expert and Mr. Paul English UNODC consultant
The bespoke course covers a range of modules that range from the Uganda national prison context to international standards, memoranda and best practices in preventing and countering violent extremism in the prison context. It includes, definitions of extremism, distinguishing between preventing and countering violent extremism, Good Prison Standards, prison staff, human rights, prison security, and women prisoners.
During the meeting, the participants reviewed each model for accuracy of the content, omissions and pointed out necessary amendments. They also checked on the format and structure of the manual as a teaching guide to confirm whether the learning objectives were clear and realistic and whether the time allocated for each lesson was adequate, among other things.
Mr. Papus Muhuruzi, the representative from the Uganda Prisons Academy and Training School (PATS) at the workshop, applauded the contribution of UNODC and as well as donors for this project. He pledged the commitment of Uganda Prisons Service staff to use the bespoke training manual with pride and confidence since they were developing a relevant resource and their capacity to deliver was being built very well.
The finalisation of this training manual is part of the preventing the spread of violent extremism in the prison context being implemented by the UNODC in collaboration with the United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism (UNCCT) with the support of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (UNCTED).
Its part of a Global Joint EU-UN Initiative implemented in Uganda, Tunisia and Kazakhstan and co-funded by the European Union, the Netherlands and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT).
For further inquiries:
Ms. Sharon Lesa Nyambe-
Head of Office, UNODC Programme Office of Uganda