To facilitate the data collection and the dissemination of information, UNODC has developed a variety of online databases dedicated to various areas of UNODC's mandates. The databases provide an easy access to laws, jurisprudence and other information on existing national practices and strategies, allowing practitioners to expand their knowledge and learn from the experiences of other countries.
Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime Portal (SHERLOC)
The Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime Portal (SHERLOC) is an initiative to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the three Protocols thereto and the international legal framework against terrorism. Among other features, the Portal includes a database of legislation, case law, strategies, treaties and bibliographic databases related to these topics. It also hosts the Directory of Competent National Authorities designated for international cooperation in criminal matters (CNA Directory). [Go to SHERLOC]
Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge Platform (TRACK)
The Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge Platform (TRACK) provides online access to laws, jurisprudence and information on anti-corruption authorities from all over the world, indexed and searchable according to each provision of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. It also provides a wide range of additional anti-corruption resources. [Go to TRACK]
Country Profiles Database under the UN Convention against Corruption
The Country Profiles Database provides access to the outcome documents of the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, namely full country reports and executive summaries. The Database also contains other country-based information on the implementation of the Convention. [Go to Country Profiles]
Country Profiles Pages on the UNTOC Review Mechanism
The Country Profiles provide detailed country-specific information pertaining to the Mechanism for the Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. This includes data on which instruments are under review, the designated focal points, as well as lists of observations and summaries. [Go to Country Profiles]
Electronic Legal Resources on International Terrorism
The Electronic Legal Resources on International Terrorism is a website maintained by UNODC, providing a comprehensive and legal information on the steps taken by the international community and individual countries in the fight against international terrorism. [Go to Resources]
Education for Justice Library of Resources
Maintaining peaceful and inclusive societies requires individuals that understand and respect the rule of law. A robust education system is central to this, playing a vitally important role in instilling the shared values necessary for the rule of law in communities. Recognizing the need for easily accessible resources on rule of law topics, UNODC's Education for Justice (E4J) initiative has created the E4J Library of Resources - a comprehensive, open access database of pre-existing, relevant and age-appropriate educational materials. [Go to Resources]
Global Judicial Integrity Network Resources
Aiming to assist judiciaries across the globe in strengthening judicial integrity and preventing corruption in the justice sector, the Global Judicial Integrity Network Resources is a unique online resource database, containing hundreds of searchable research and analysis papers, policy documents, legal documents, codes of judicial conduct, guidelines and standards. It also provides an abundance of resource materials, including training materials and other tools. [Go to Resources]