Snapshot from the Regional Programme for South Asia (2018-2021)
The Regional Programme for South Asia (2018-2021) has been developed to respond to the challenges faced by the region about the rule-of-law and public health as encompassed by the UNODC mandates at large and to move towards a regionally based programme with a long-term objective to improve situations at a regional level by addressing both national and regional needs and priorities. It outlines a coherent framework of activities with outcomes that meet the priority needs and expectations of South Asian countries and their regional organizations.
In line with the UNODC Strategic Framework 2018 - 2019, the Regional Programme is structured around the following five sub-programmes, outlined in more detail below:
Sub-programme 1: |
Combating Transnational Organized Crime |
Sub-programme 2: |
A comprehensive and balanced approach to counter the drug problem (drug trafficking & drugs and health: drug use prevention, treatment and care and HIV prevention, treatment and care and support services for people who use drugs and for people in prisons) |
Sub-programme 3: |
Countering Corruption |
Sub-programme 4: |
Terrorism prevention |
Sub-programme 5: |
Crime prevention and criminal justice |
The Regional Programme seeks to expand and diversify UNODC's current work programme in South Asia into a broader programme, which encompasses critical elements of crime prevention and the rule-of law at national, regional and inter-regional level keeping in mind the nature and scope of identified problems by the Governments in the region. It also aims at visualizing and introducing the cross-border dimension of the challenges, which require regional and/or inter-regional responses. The Regional Programme emphasizes the adoption of instruments needed for regional progress, making use of existing regional mechanisms such as SAARC and BIMSTEC.
The UNODC Regional Programme for South Asia is grounded in the following principles:
- Ownership and participatory process: Governments, regional bodies and other stakeholders are regularly consulted on priorities, programme implementation and required changes through a Programme Steering and Policy Coordination Committee (PSPCC ). Priorities of the Regional Programme are aligned with national and regional policies and priorities.
- Coherence: The Regional Programme reflects the entire action by UNODC in the region through national, regional and global activities using global knowledge products developed by UNODC as well as best practices.
- Programmatic and results ‐ focused: The Regional Programme intends to achieve results over the long term in support of sustainable changes in line with international, regional and national commitments on the rule of law and public health matters related to UNODC's mandates.
- Building Partnerships: The Regional Programme serves as an advocacy tool which seeks to reinforce existing and create new partnerships with national, regional and international and multi-lateral partners for its full-fledged implementation and funding.
- Cross-cutting issues: the Regional Programme seeks to fully apply cross-cutting mandates, such as gender-sensitive and human rights-based approaches.
- Locale specific and tailor-made interventions: The Regional Programme will also implement specialised 'tailor made' activities and programmes to address country specific requirements and needs. For instance, in a vast country like India, with 29 States and 7 Union Territories, the approach will also include working closely with State governments to address key challenges posed by drugs and crime.