Maldives: European Union and UNODC cooperation with Maldives in Enhancing Security

Male, Maldives/03 June 2024: On the occasion of the Senior Official Meeting that took place in Maldives on 2 June 2024, Ms. Paola Pampaloni, Deputy Managing Director for Asia & Pacific at the European External Action Service visited the Maldives, including several visits to EU supported initiatives.

On 3 June, the visit focused on an ongoing project (2 million euro) funded by the European Commission´s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments Support to addressing the risk of terrorism and to increasing security in the Maldives, implemented by UNODC.

Maldives’ State Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Uza. Lubna Mohamed Zahir hosted the meeting. Ms. Pampaloni reaffirmed the European Union´s commitment to support Maldives in security, being this project one of several concrete engagements.

Mr. Enrico Boninsegna, UNODC’s Head of Office in Maldives, briefed about project activities that are assisting a wide range of stakeholders among Maldives’ authorities within relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology and the Ministry of Defence. Support being provided seeks to improve, under different angles, security at land and sea with a focus on countering terrorist threat.

Mr. Boninsegna informed that new high-tech tools are being introduced this week under the maritime component of the project for Maldives’ Marine Police, namely an underwater and an aerial unmanned vehicle (drones). This will help authorities to address hazards at sea and assist in identifying suspicious materials and activities in the marine space while keeping officers safe. They will also help speed up real-time assessments of critical situations, which is crucial for preventing incidents and protecting people.