India: Welcoming RiseUp4Peace, Indian Actor-Entrepreneur Suniel Shetty calls for “transformative education” in shaping young minds

New Delhi, India/12 August 2024: On International Youth Day, Indian Actor and Entrepreneur Suniel Shetty delivered a compelling video message in support of UNODC’s RiseUp4Peace initiative, emphasising the role of real-life heroes—educators—who play a crucial role in shaping the future. Shetty is widely popular for his extensive work in the Indian film industry, and has appeared in over 100 films.

In his message, Shetty shared a personal story about a teacher who profoundly impacted his life. “She made me realize that education is not just about knowledge but about becoming a better person—one who is kind, fair, and sensitive,” he reflected. This personal experience highlighted how educators can ignite transformative change by fostering a positive and inclusive mindset in their students.

This sentiment is at the heart of the RiseUp4Peace initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The program aims to empower educators and students to embrace and advocate for peace, the rule of law, and social responsibility. By integrating these values into the educational framework, RiseUp4Peace aspires to cultivate a generation equipped to address and solve social challenges with integrity and fairness.

Shetty's message underscored the urgency of such initiatives. “Imagine a world where every young person is equipped with the tools they need to tackle the challenges of tomorrow head-on. That's the kind of action we need,” said Shetty. “We need responsible citizens, people who understand the importance of peace and the rule of law.”

By fostering environments where young people and educators collaborate to devise innovative solutions through arts, social initiatives, and technology, RiseUp4Peace seeks to build a more inclusive and just society.

Shetty expressed his support for UNODC initiatives in this direction. “Let’s come together with UNODC in this mission. I commit to RiseUp4Peace. Do you?”

His heartfelt plea highlighted the importance of awareness and collective action to meaningfully engage young people through education. Through his heartfelt appeal, Shetty has once again demonstrated his commitment to humanitarian causes, using his influence to inspire action and hope. 

Watch the video here

Join the RiseUp4Peace initiative:

The activity contributed to SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 16 and SDG 17: