Photo Gallery
Event - The Inter-State Red Ribbon Football Tournament In Mizoram, the North East of India
The 'Dinthar Village' team flex their muscles and the goal keepers strategize, while an anxious crowd waits for the match to begin
The blue army called 'Electric Veng' enter the field all charged and determined to win
Over 10,000 spectators packed in the soccer ground in Aizawl waiting anxioulsy for the game to begin
These young ambassadors take a pledge to prevent and contain the HIV and AIDS epidemic and proudly wear the message "Healthy Living To Prevent HIV/AIDS"
A gruelling match as both teams display superb tackling and foot work
The goalkeeper leaps from the ground to save the ball while the crowd looks on in anticipation
Amidst photographers clicking away, the captain of 'Electric Veng' proudly lifts the trophy as Mr. Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister and Mr. Lalrinliana Sailo, Honourable Health Minister, Government of Mizoram and the crowd cheer on