India: Educators receive capacity boost to foster inclusive classrooms, join hands to champion SDG16 with UNODC's RiseUp4Peace

New Delhi, India/31 May 2024: Investing in educators and equipping them with knowledge, tools and skills is crucial for nurturing peaceful and inclusive societies. Empowered teachers create inclusive and open classrooms, which, in turn, enables students to develop critical thinking skills, engage constructively, and advocate for peace, equality, fairness and justice. Capacity building of educators is therefore at the core UNODC’s RiseUp4Peace initiative spearheaded in collaboration with educator partners across India and beyond.

“Such trainings are essential because they bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. They provide us with innovative methods to engage students on complex themes like rule of law and ethical behavior, ensuring they can take their learning forward and touch real lives,” said Swati Bakshi Purkayastha, Founder of the Funlish Language School (West Bengal) and one of the 132 educators from India and beyond who participated in the monthly capacity-boosting dialogue this month.

Led by UNODC youth champions Aarushi Gambhir and Alviya Haider, the discussions emphasized cross-learning and the exchange of innovative ideas for boosting inclusivity, equity and diversity in classrooms and effectively teaching SDG 16-focused themes. They shared impactful strategies for creating learning environments where every student feels valued and respected.

“We often talk about inclusion and diversity but seldom we include people with disabilities like myself into the discussion. With RiseUp4Peace, I am glad to contribute constructively as an equal partner by sensitising educators and students with my lived experiences,” said Alviya.

Inclusion was also at the core of an engaging web dialogue with the private sector organized by TheCSRUniverse, a media entity, where experts reflected on how companies can support diversity and equity in the classrooms. “As a student with disability, I have experienced first hand the impact discrimination has on a child's mental health. With UNODC, I am committed to use education as a medium to nurture a generation of students who realise every disabled person's dream of a truly inclusive classroom,” said Aarushi.

Focusing on youth vulnerabilities, Samarth Pathak, UNODC’s Communications Officer for South Asia, led a technical session on promoting a whole-school approach towards prevention of drug use and addressing students’ mental well-being, organized by ‘Manodarpan’s Paricharcha’ series--an initiative of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The dialogue on practical ways to leverage education to enable young people in making healthy and safe life choices, understand risky situations, and develop socio-emotional resilience. "Providing a safe space for open conversation, active listening, and engagement in classrooms is key,” said Samarth.

A group of 120 primary and secondary educators from Delhi’s Salwan Group of Schools were also trained on integrating SDG16 education into their curricula. Participants highlighted drugs, violence and cybercrime as key issues concerning young people, and signaled a unified commitment to integrate education on such themes with a joint declaration to RiseUp4Peace.

Across India, young people are stepping up to advocate for peace and the rule of law, embodying SDG16 principles. By honing essential skills such as creativity, teamwork, leadership, and public speaking, these youth champions are leading by example in their communities. Students from Colombia and India raised peer-to-peer awareness about SDG16 by producing and sharing bookmarks with insightful messages. Music too emerged as a powerful tool, as demonstrated by Nandini, a student from India’s Army Public School Beas who shared a poignant song about peace, equality, and unity. Such collective efforts driven by the global coalition of educators in May 2024 were showcased in a vibrant 250-page e-newsletter.

The collective commitment to SDG16 is paving the way for a future where every student can thrive, feel valued, and become a champion for peace and justice.

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This activity contributes to SDG 4, SDG 16 and SDG 17: