Bangladesh: UNODC hosts third bilateral meeting between Bangladesh and Libya on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants

Doha, Qatar/21 June 2024: The central Mediterranean route is the deadliest route globally, with more than 20,000 migrants having died or disappeared along this route between 2014 and 2022. Unfortunately, according to reports from Frontex, Bangladeshis are the highest users of the central Mediterranean routes.

From 2009 to 2023, at least 70,906 Bangladeshis have entered Europe through this route. UNHCR data reflects that Bangladesh is the highest nationality arriving at Italy in 2024.

As of February 2024, there were over 21,481 migrants from Bangladesh in Libya, accounting for 3% of the total migrant population in the country and the seventh most-represented nationality. North Africa is also a point of departure for thousands of migrants who embark on journeys, largely along the west and central Mediterranean route.

Noting this importance, UNODC—under the framework of the Global Action against Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants Bangladesh (GLO.ACT Bangladesh) organized the third bilateral meeting between 20 officials from the Government of Bangladesh and Government of Libya in Doha.  The meeting enhanced cooperation between the two nations and served as a follow-up to the previous bilateral meetings held in September 2022 and May 2023. Discussions built upon the outcomes of the previous two exchanges between the delegations.

The Libyan and Bangladeshi delegations addressed emerging trends in trafficking and smuggling networks within each country. Both parties agreed to designate three focal points from each government from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Ministry of Interior (MOI), and the Ministry of Justice (MOJ). The nominations will be officially communicated through notes verbales issued by the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

UNODC’s efforts in organizing and facilitating these bilateral meetings highlight its commitment to fostering international cooperation to combat human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

The activity contributed to SDG 8, SDG 16 and SDG 17: 


(Supported by the European Union)