India: Rural students and educators amplify action on integrity and lawfulness through UNODC’s RiseUp4Peace

Gaur Village, Mirzamurad, India/04 August 2024: In an increasingly interconnected world, young people are exposed to positive and negative influences that reflects in the choices they make. It is critical to engage them early on, fostering resilience against risky behaviors and instilling a sense of responsibility towards society. UNODC’s RiseUp4Peace initiative is a step in this direction—empowering young minds to resist negative influences and become champions of peace, integrity, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

A shining example of how educational interventions enable meaningful engagement of young people can be seen in the small village of Gaur, located in Mirzamurad about 50 kilometers from Varanasi. Four years ago, UNODC and the Round Table Abhinav Vidyalaya (RTAV) embarked on a journey together, planting seeds of change in this vibrant community of rural students and educators. Today, those seeds have grown into a powerful circle of impact.

Students who were once part of UNODC’s Lockdown Learners program during the pandemic have grown into confident young mentors, now acting as RiseUp4Peace champions. “I have discovered that my voice and actions are powerful. I now know that I can use it to advocate for what I believe in and to help others find their voice too," says 16-year-old Ms. Jahnavi Mishra, emphasizing the importance of “building community networks” for transformation.

Her friends, Ms. Nancy Vishwakarma, Ms. Ritisha Gupta and Ms. Kashish agree. “Learning and raising awareness about peace and SDGs has been empowering. When we come together as a group, our ideas become stronger.” Their journey is a testament to the profound impact that education and mentorship can have, transforming these once shy children into empowered young minds, using the power of videos, art and dialogue to sensitise others.

The current batch of RTAV students continues this legacy of engagement. Recently, they explored SDG16 themes with Mr. Samarth Pathak, Communications Officer, UNODC, Dr. Satya Bhushan from the National Council on Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and Mr. AN Ramachandra, former Joint Commissioner of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Together, they reflected on negative digital influences, gender discrimination and mental health, with activities and peer-discussions, and shared real-life experiences: “Not giving equal opportunities to girls while playing games,” “bullying and commenting on one’s background,” “wasting time on social media during exams,” were illustrative examples they shared.

Some of the thoughts shared by students—“I want to be judged for my abilities, not my gender,” “I get anxious thinking about the future,” “Taunting hurts”—revealed a pressing need for education and more open ‘safe space’ dialogues. An art exhibition on the SDGs and a compelling ‘nukkad natak’ (street play) on discrimination highlighted their social awareness and drive for change. Ms. Yashashri Shukla, Additional Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission joined as an observer.

The educators at RTAV—led by Dr. AN Tripathi and Mrs. Jaimala Tewari--have been pivotal in integrating peace and integrity in classroom interactions. Their commitment extends beyond traditional teaching methods, as they strive to shape responsible and empathetic citizens. Mrs. Tewari emphasized the importance of this partnership: “At RTAV, we are committed to not just to teach subjects but to shape responsible citizens who will contribute positively to society. The partnership between RTAV and UNODC has been one of impact. Such efforts make a difference.”

The impact of the RiseUp4Peace initiative extends beyond academics, touching on the emotional and social development of students. By fostering an environment where students feel heard and understood, the initiative has created a space for genuine learning and personal growth. This was evident when students invited the UNODC team to their village for a simple cup of tea—an act of warmth that reflected the trust and bonds formed. Walking through the fields with the students, conversations about their aspirations and challenges revealed a shared desire for peace and justice.

“It was a scintillating experience to see how much the younger generation is willing to join the peace path. I wish such workshops be organised for the benefit of many hamlets, like Mirzamurad in this country,” said Mr. Ramachandra. “As UNODC’s efforts in Mirzamurad show, real change happens when education moves beyond the classroom, touching hearts and minds, and inspiring action,” added Mr. Pathak.

The RiseUp4Peace initiative, with its focus on continuity, impact, and lasting change, is not just empowering students and educators—it is shaping the future of entire communities, one young mind at a time.

Join the RiseUp4Peace initiative:

The activity contributed to SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 16 and SDG 17: