UNODC Publications for South Eastern Europe
UNODC produces a broad range of publications in our areas of work. All documents are in PDF format, unless otherwise specified.
≡ 2025
Opiates and Methamphetamine Trafficking on the Balkan Route: Drug Flows, Illicit Incomes and Illicit Financial Flows
≡ 2024
Montenegro-UNODC Strategic Partnership Framework (2024-2029) - Summary
Montenegro-UNODC Strategic Partnership Framework (2024-2029) - Full Report
≡ 2023
6/01/2022 - National Operational Plan (Serbia): Analysis of school-based drug use prevention strategies against the UNODC-WHO International Standards on drug use prevention (Serbian version)
5/31/2022 - Exploitation and Abuse: The Scale and Scope of Human Trafficking in South Eastern Europe
3/11/2022 - An Anti-Corruption Ethics and Compliance Programme for Business: A Practical Guide
3/11/2022 - A Guide on Conducting Corruption Risk Assessment in Public Organizations
3/11/2022 - Building Public Support for Anti-Corruption Efforts
3/11/2022 - Resource Guide on Good Practices in the Investigation of Match-Fixing
≡ 2021
≡ 2020
12/14/20 - UNODC Report | Measuring Organized Crime in the Western Balkans
12/11/20 - Policy paper on COVID-19 Vaccines and Corruption Risks: Preventing corruption in the manufacture, allocation and distribution of vaccines
10/15/20 - The results of the study: Mapping of Services for the Treatment of Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders (Serbian version)
6/17/20 - Final External Evaluation of the Joint Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) and UNODC Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process
5/5/20 - Parenting under COVID-19 guidance - Listen First (with translation into the languages of South Eastern Europe)
2/20/20 - SDG Brochure: UNODC and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
1/21/20 - Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Manual for Judicial Training Institutes, South Eastern-Europe; updated edition 2019; Albanian / B/C/M/S / Macedonian
≡ 2019
10/3/19 - Research Brief, Measuring Organized Crime: Assessment of Data in the Western Balkans
7/30/19 - World Day against Trafficking: Information brochure
4/16/19 - The results of UNODC pilots of Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence in South East Europe (Prevention Science, edition of April 2019), Further information
3/1/19 - Drug treatment systems in the Western Balkans: Outcomes of a joint EMCDDA-UNODC survey of drug treatment facilities
1/8/19 - Global report on Trafficking in Persons 2018
1/29/19 - Report of the Secretariat on the world situation with regard to drug trafficking
≡ 2018
10/25/18 - UNODC Annual Report 2017
5/1/18 - Results of the WHO/UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey in Serbia
≡ 2017
12/19/17 - Manual for Judicial Training Institutes in South-Eastern Europe on Foreign Terrorist Fighters
11/30/17 - Finalni Izvještaj o Sprovedenom Istraživanju i Preporukama za Adaptaciju Lions Quest Programa "Vještine za Adolescenciju" u Crnoj Gori
5/5/17 - Report on the Assessment of Drug Dependence Treatment Quality Standards for Drug Dependence Treatment Programs in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
≡ 2016
5/31/16 - Деньги от наркоторговли: доходы от незаконного оборота опиатов на "Балканском маршруте" 2015
≡ 2015
11/26/15 - Drug Money - the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route
11/26/15 - Drug Money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route - Executive summary
1/1/15 - Finalna adaptacija materijala za implementaciju programa Lion Quest Veštine za adolesciju
≡ 2014
4/7/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Albania: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
4/7/14 - BIZNESI, KORRUPSIONI DHE KRIMINË SHQIPËRI: Ndikimi i ryshfetit dhe krimeve të tjera në ndërmarrjet private
3/19/14 - The Illicit Drug Trade through South-Eastern Europe
2/4/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2/4/14 - Бизнис, корупција и криминал во Република Македонија Влијанието на поткупот и другите форми на криминал врз приватните фирми
2/4/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Montenegro: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2/4/14 - Biznis, korupcija i kriminal u Crnoj Gori: Uticaj korupcije i kriminala na privatne poslovne subjekte
≡ 2013 and earlier
12/18/13 - ПОСЛОВАЊЕ, КОРУПЦИЈА И КРИМИНАЛ У СРБИЈИ: Утицај корупције и осталих кривичних радњи на пословно окружење
12/18/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN SERBIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
11/21/13 - POSLOVANJE, KORUPCIJA I KRIMINAL U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI: Utjecaj mita i kriminala na privatna preduzeća
11/21/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
11/12/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN CROATIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
11/12/13 - IZLOŽENOST POSLOVNOG SEKTORA KORUPCIJI I KRIMINALU U HRVATSKOJ: utjecaj korupcije i drugih oblika kriminala na privatne tvrtke
11/12/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN KOSOVO: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
10/24/13 - Business, corruption and crime in the western Balkans: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
5/17/11 - Corruption in the western Balkans: bribery as experienced by the population
5/29/08 - Crime and its impact on the Balkans
≡ Other links to UNODC publication and data
Crime and criminal justice statistics
Justice and home affairs statistics systems in the Western Balkans
Reports, methodology and activities
Assessment of Corruption and Crime affecting the Business Sector in the Western Balkans (2012-2013)
Drug control
Drug trafficking statistics
Illicit crop monitoring
UNODC and illicit crop monitoring