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Class Ext.dd.Registry

Defined In:Registry.js
Provides easy access to all drag drop components that are registered on a page. Items can be retrieved either directly by DOM node id, or by passing in the drag drop event that occurred and looking up the event target.

This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events

Public Properties

This class has no public properties.

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  getHandleString/HTMLElement id ) : Object Registry
Returns the handle registered for a DOM Node by id
  getHandleFromEventEvent e ) : Object Registry
Returns the handle that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event
  getTargetString/HTMLElement id ) : Object Registry
Returns a custom data object that is registered for a DOM node by id
  getTargetFromEventEvent e ) : Object Registry
Returns a custom data object that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event
  registerString/HTMLElement) element, [Object data] ) : void Registry
Register a drag drop element
  unregisterString/HTMLElement) element ) : void Registry
Unregister a drag drop element

Public Events

This class has no public events.

Method Details


public function getHandle( String/HTMLElement id )
Returns the handle registered for a DOM Node by id
  • id : String/HTMLElement
    The DOM node or id to look up
  • Object
    handle The custom handle data
This method is defined by Registry.


public function getHandleFromEvent( Event e )
Returns the handle that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event
  • e : Event
    The event
  • Object
    handle The custom handle data
This method is defined by Registry.


public function getTarget( String/HTMLElement id )
Returns a custom data object that is registered for a DOM node by id
  • id : String/HTMLElement
    The DOM node or id to look up
  • Object
    data The custom data
This method is defined by Registry.


public function getTargetFromEvent( Event e )
Returns a custom data object that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event
  • e : Event
    The event
  • Object
    data The custom data
This method is defined by Registry.


public function register( String/HTMLElement) element, [Object data] )
Register a drag drop element
  • element : String/HTMLElement)
    The id or DOM node to register
  • data : Object
    (optional) A custom data object that will be passed between the elements that are involved in drag drop operations. You can populate this object with any arbitrary properties that your own code knows how to interpret, plus there are some specific properties known to the Registry that should be populated in the data object (if applicable):
    Value      Description
    --------- ------------------------------------------
    handles Array of DOM nodes that trigger dragging
    for the element being registered
    isHandle True if the element passed in triggers
    dragging itself, else false
  • void
This method is defined by Registry.


public function unregister( String/HTMLElement) element )
Unregister a drag drop element
  • element : String/HTMLElement)
    The id or DOM node to unregister
  • void
This method is defined by Registry.

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