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Class Ext.UpdateManager.BasicRenderer

Defined In:UpdateManager.js
Default Content renderer. Updates the elements innerHTML with the responseText.

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events

Public Properties

This class has no public properties.

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  renderExt.Element el, Object response, UpdateManager updateManager, Function callback ) : void UpdateManager.BasicRenderer
This is called when the transaction is completed and it's time to update the element - The BasicRenderer updates the ...

Public Events

This class has no public events.

Method Details


public function render( Ext.Element el, Object response, UpdateManager updateManager, Function callback )
This is called when the transaction is completed and it's time to update the element - The BasicRenderer updates the elements innerHTML with the responseText - To perform a custom render (i.e. XML or JSON processing), create an object with a "render(el, response)" method and pass it to setRenderer on the UpdateManager.
  • el : Ext.Element
    The element being rendered
  • response : Object
    The YUI Connect response object
  • updateManager : UpdateManager
    The calling update manager
  • callback : Function
    A callback that will need to be called if loadScripts is true on the UpdateManager
  • void
This method is defined by UpdateManager.BasicRenderer.

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