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Class Ext.DomHelper

Defined In:DomHelper.js
Utility class for working with DOM and/or Templates. It transparently supports using HTML fragments or DOM. For more information see this blog post with examples.

This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.

Properties   -  Methods   -  Events

Public Properties

Property Defined By
  useDom : Boolean DomHelper
True to force the use of DOM instead of html fragments

Public Methods

Method Defined By
  appendString/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] ) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element DomHelper
Creates new Dom element(s) and appends them to el
  applyStylesString/HTMLElement el, String/Object/Function styles ) : void DomHelper
Applies a style specification to an element
  createTemplateObject o ) : Ext.DomHelper.Template DomHelper
Creates a new Ext.DomHelper.Template from the Dom object spec
  insertAfterString/HTMLElement/Element el, Object o, [Boolean returnElement] ) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element DomHelper
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them after el
  insertBeforeString/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] ) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element DomHelper
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them before el
  insertFirstString/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] ) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element DomHelper
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them as the first child of el
  insertHtmlString where, HTMLElement el, String html ) : HTMLElement DomHelper
Inserts an HTML fragment into the Dom
  markupObject o ) : String DomHelper
Returns the markup for the passed Element(s) config
  overwriteString/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] ) : HTMLElement/Ext.Element DomHelper
Creates new Dom element(s) and overwrites the contents of el with them

Public Events

This class has no public events.

Property Details


public Boolean useDom
True to force the use of DOM instead of html fragments
This property is defined by DomHelper.

Method Details


public function append( String/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] )
Creates new Dom element(s) and appends them to el
  • el : String/HTMLElement/Element
    The context element
  • o : Object/String
    The Dom object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob
  • returnElement : Boolean
    (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
  • HTMLElement/Ext.Element
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function applyStyles( String/HTMLElement el, String/Object/Function styles )
Applies a style specification to an element
  • el : String/HTMLElement
    The element to apply styles to
  • styles : String/Object/Function
    A style specification string eg "width:100px", or object in the form {width:"100px"}, or a function which returns such a specification.
  • void
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function createTemplate( Object o )
Creates a new Ext.DomHelper.Template from the Dom object spec
  • o : Object
    The Dom object spec (and children)
  • Ext.DomHelper.Template
    The new template
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function insertAfter( String/HTMLElement/Element el, Object o, [Boolean returnElement] )
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them after el
  • el : String/HTMLElement/Element
    The context element
  • o : Object
    The Dom object spec (and children)
  • returnElement : Boolean
    (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
  • HTMLElement/Ext.Element
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function insertBefore( String/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] )
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them before el
  • el : String/HTMLElement/Element
    The context element
  • o : Object/String
    The Dom object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob
  • returnElement : Boolean
    (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
  • HTMLElement/Ext.Element
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function insertFirst( String/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] )
Creates new Dom element(s) and inserts them as the first child of el
  • el : String/HTMLElement/Element
    The context element
  • o : Object/String
    The Dom object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob
  • returnElement : Boolean
    (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
  • HTMLElement/Ext.Element
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function insertHtml( String where, HTMLElement el, String html )
Inserts an HTML fragment into the Dom
  • where : String
    Where to insert the html in relation to el - beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, afterEnd.
  • el : HTMLElement
    The context element
  • html : String
    The HTML fragmenet
  • HTMLElement
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function markup( Object o )
Returns the markup for the passed Element(s) config
  • o : Object
    The Dom object spec (and children)
  • String
This method is defined by DomHelper.


public function overwrite( String/HTMLElement/Element el, Object/String o, [Boolean returnElement] )
Creates new Dom element(s) and overwrites the contents of el with them
  • el : String/HTMLElement/Element
    The context element
  • o : Object/String
    The Dom object spec (and children) or raw HTML blob
  • returnElement : Boolean
    (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
  • HTMLElement/Ext.Element
    The new node
This method is defined by DomHelper.

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