Мнения, выраженные в этих статьях, принадлежат их авторам. Их публикация не означает, что Организация Объединенных Наций разделяет выраженные мнения или что они отражают ее позицию.
UN Audiovisual Library of International Law on the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism
Odette Jankowitsch-Prevor, International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, 76 OECD/NEA Nuclear Law Bulletin (2005)
Christopher C. Joyner, Countering Nuclear Terrorism: A Conventional Response, 18 European Journal of International Law 225 (2007)
Walter Gehr, The Universal Legal Framework against Nuclear Terrorism, 79 OECD/NEA Nuclear Law Bulletin (2007)
Arms Control Association
American Society of International Law (ASIL)
UN press release
IAEA web story
Paper presented by Mr Artem Lazarev at the International Conference on Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources – Accomplishments and Future Endeavours, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency on 20-24 June 2022 in Vienna, Austria. Prevention and Suppression of Terrorist and Other Criminal Acts Involving Radioactive Sources Under the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism