UNODC Contributes to UNODA’s Workshop on United Nations Security Council resolution 1540 (2004)

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In 2004, the United Nations Security Council adopted a pivotal resolution aimed at preventing the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and related materials by non-State actors: resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540). The seven international legal instruments against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) terrorism, that UNODC is mandated to promote, are crucial to ensure that UN Member States comply with key obligations stemming from the resolution, by requiring their States Parties to adopt and enforce appropriate effective laws and domestic control measures that prohibit any non-State actor to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery.

With a view to strengthening the implementation of UNSCR 1540, UNODC contributed expertise at a workshop organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), jointly with the Government of Kenya and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), for IGAD Member States (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda).

UNODC delivered presentations on the aforementioned international legal instruments against CBRN terrorism and their relevance to the implementation of UNSCR 1540, as well as on its work in this domain and available technical and legislative assistance services. UNODC also seized the opportunity to engage with representatives of IGAD Member States, most of which are priority countries for UNODC under the EU-funded project on “Union support to promote universalization and effective implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.”

UNODC also participated in a bilateral meeting with the Office of the Chair of the 1540 Committee established pursuant to UNSCR 1540. The meeting aimed at strengthening cooperation between the 1540 Committee and relevant international organizations, including UNODC, by exchanging views on how national implementation efforts can be further supported, and discussing related opportunities and challenges in the IGAD region, with a focus on ICSANT.

UNODC took part in the event thanks to the European Union ICSANT funded project.

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