Virtual Launch: Handbook on the Classification of Prisoners



UNODC’s new Handbook on the Classification of Prisoners is designed to provide practical information and guidelines to support prison administrations with the development of an effective system that meets international standards. It is based on grounded research evidence and the experience of numerous countries that have implemented such systems. Although primarily designed for prison officers, it is also intended to be a useful resource guide for other criminal justice officials and parties involved in the criminal justice system.

The virtual launching event served to promote this practice-oriented Handbook which provides realistic recommendations and options to assist in implementing a sound prisoner assessment and classification system.

Date and time

Friday, 12 June 2020, 2:00 pm (CET)

Handbook launch video

If you missed the launch of the Handbook, catch the full video with speakers, presentations and Q&A online here.


Opening Remarks:  Mr. Marco Teixeira, Senior Programme Coordinator, Doha Global Programme, UNODC

Introduction to the Handbook:  Dr. Andrea Moser, Consultant on penal reform and criminal justice issues, UNODC

Practitioner’s perspective:  Ms. Mariana Martin, Deputy Commissioner Correctional Service, Namibia

Importance of classification systems:  Ms. Tsira Chanturia, Regional Director for South Caucasus, Penal Reform International

Moderator:  Mr. Alejandro Matta, Programme Management Officer, Justice Section, UNODC