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In April 2016, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the outcome document of its 2016 special session on the world drug problem. Prepared by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UNGASS 2016 outcome document contains over 100 operational recommendations in seven thematic chapters, focused on demand and supply reduction; the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes; human rights; challenges and new trends; international cooperation and development.    

As a global leader in supporting countries to prevent and respond to the challenges posed by drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism, UNODC provides comprehensive assistance to Member States to implement the UNGASS 2016 outcome document and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNODC is pleased to launch, on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the UNGASS 2016, a publication "People at the Centre: UNODC Support for UNGASS 2016 on the World Drug Problem" with an overview of just some of the work UNODC is doing around the world to support implementation of the UNGASS 2016 operational recommendations, and shows how these projects and programmes relate to targets under the SDGs. 

A lot has happened since the adoption of UNGASS 2016. Committed to putting into practice what was adopted at UNGASS, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, as the principal policymaking body of the United Nations for drug related matters, supported by UNODC, initiated immediately following the adoption, a comprehensive and inclusive follow-up process, paying equal attention to the implementation of each of the seven thematic areas and benefitting from the valuable expertise that all relevant stakeholders, including UN entities, international, regional and intergovernmental organizations and civil society.

The past years have been characterized by Member States' efforts to implement UNGASS including by making the provisions an integral part of national laws, programmes and policies; by the Commission's initiative to organize three rounds of thematic discussions on the seven chapters of UNGASS, focused on the practical implementation, sharing of good practices, lessons learnt, and supported by experts from the relevant UN entities, international, regional and intergovernmental organizations and civil society. At its regular and reconvened sessions since the adoption the Commission discussed UNGASS implementation, and also its subsidiary-bodies, the HONLEAs and the Subcommission, focus dedicated working groups on cross-cutting issues.

With the sharing of good practices at the core of the CND's initiatives, the Secretariat developed, tasked by the Chair and the Facilitator for post-UNGASS matters, the Commission's UNGASS Good Practice Portal, with a view to creating a knowledge-hub for good practices of stakeholders in implementing UNGASS, thereby ensuring that the valuable practical information shared during its thematic discussions can be retained and shared.

In an effort to further the practical national implementation of UNGASS, the Secretariat to the Commission developed UNGASS implementation workshops, bringing together representatives of all relevant national authorities (health, social, education, foreign affairs, interior, police, etc.) to raise awareness about UNGASS, to explain its provisions, to discuss national good practices and gaps in the implementation as well as to facilitate the identification of future priorities and possible technical assistance needs. 

The journey that started in the CND in 2014 with the preparations for the special session, continues, with a strong commitment to putting into practice the recommendations made at UNGASS, guided by the recognition that the world drug problem remains a common and shared responsibility that needs to be addressed in a multilateral setting through effective and increased international cooperation, and in the broader framework of the commitments made by the international community in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.




The Thirtieth Special Session of the General Assembly adopted the outcome document "Our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem".

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