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Booklet 1 - Booklet 2 - Booklet 3 - Booklet 4 - Booklet 5 - English
Executive summary - Arabic - Chinese - English - French - Russian - Spanish    (to be available after 17:00 CEST on 24 June)
Methodology (to be available after 17:00 CEST on 24 June)
PowerPoint presentations
Pre-Launch version (PowerPoint), Pre-Launch version (PDF)


  1. Prevalence of drug use (tables) 

1.1.  Prevalence of drug use in the general population - regional and global estimates
1.2.  Prevalence of drug use in the general population - national data
1.3.  Prevalence of cannabis use in the population aged 15-16 - regional and global estimates
1.4.  Prevalence of drug use in the youth population - national data
1.5.  Prevalence of NPS use among general and youth population
1.6.  Prevalence of drug use within prisons 

  1. 2.     Ranking of drug in order of prevalence of use, based on expert perception (maps) 

2.1.  Sedatives and tranquilizers 

  1. Drug-related morbidity (tables) 

3.1.  Estimates of people who inject drugs, and those living with HIV, HCV and HBV 

  1. Drug-related mortality (table) 

4.1.   Drug-related mortality 

  1. 5.     Treatment demand (table) 

5.1.  Primary drug among persons treated for drug problems 

  1. 6.     Illicit drug cultivation and production (tables) 

6.1.  Coca/Cocaine
6.1.1.     Illicit cultivation of coca bush
6.1.2.     Eradication of coca bush
6.1.3.     Manufacture of cocaine
6.2.  Opium/Heroin
6.2.1.     Illicit cultivation of opium poppy
6.2.2.     Potential production of oven-dry opium
6.2.3.     Cultivation of opium poppy and production of opium in other countries, and eradication of opium poppy
6.2.4.     Manufacture of heroin from illicit opium production
6.3.  Cannabis
6.3.1.     Cannabis cultivation, production and eradication 

  1. 7.     Seizures of illicit drugs 

7.1.  National data (tables)
7.1.1.     Seizures, national data (Excel)
7.1.2.     Seizures, national data (PDF)
7.2.  Seizures of illicit drugs by region and high-ranking countries (available on 26 June 2019)-
7.3.  Online map of global seizures of main drug groups, 2007-2017 (available on 26 June 2019)-
7.4.  Trafficking flows and significant individual seizures (maps)
7.4.1.     Main heroin trafficking flows based on reported seizures
7.4.2.     Main cocaine trafficking flows based on reported seizures
7.4.3.     Main heroin trafficking flows based on use and seizures data
7.4.4.     Main cocaine trafficking flows based on use and seizures data
7.4.5.     Main fentanyl trafficking flows based on reported seizures
7.4.6.     Reported tramadol seizures and major tramadol trafficking/diversion flows
7.4.7.     Main amphetamine and "captagon" trafficking flows affecting the Near and Middle East
7.4.8.     Significant individual seizures of "captagon" tablets 

  1. 8.     Prices and purity of illicit drugs (tables) 

8.1.  Prices and purities of drugs (PDF)
8.2.  Prices in US$ - (available on 26 June 2019)
8.3.  Cocaine and heroin prices in Western Europe and United States (time series) 

  1. 9.     Illicit manufacturing of drugs (table) 

9.1.  Clandestine laboratories detected and dismantled 

  1. 10.  Drug-related crimes (table) 

10.1.               Drug-related crimes 

  1. 11.  Responses to Annual Reports Questionnaire (table) 

11.1.               Responses to Annual Reports Questionnaire (demand and supply) 


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