This booklet constitutes the second chapter of the World Drug Report 2017. It provides a global overview of the latest estimates of and trends in drug use and drug supply, as well as of several cross-cutting issues related to the world drug problem. Such issues include the health impact of drug use, including trends among people with drug use disorders, problem drug use as reflected in treatment demand and estimates of the number of people who inject drugs (PWID) and of those living with HIV and hepatitis.
The present booklet also examines the global extent of drug-related deaths, particularly of fatal overdoses, with recent trends in some countries being presented as illustrative. A review of tuberculosis among people who use drugs, both in the general population and in prisons, as well as challenges in the treatment of tuberculosis among those groups, is featured for the first time in the World Drug Report. An analysis of the dynamics of and trends in the misuse of prescription opioids is also included, as is a brief discussion of the issues related to making opioid painkillers available and accessible to the population in need of them. Finally, the booklet contains a global overview of the latest estimates of and trends in cultivation, production and trafficking of illicit drugs, including on the Internet, using the darknet.

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