Jakarta (Indonesia), 1 March 2023 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Programme Office in Indonesia, the Ministry of Development and Planning (BAPPENAS), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) convened the 12th biannual Programme Governance Committee (PGC) to endorse the continuing cooperation between UNODC and the Government of Indonesia. The event convened over one hundred and sixty-one representatives from various government agencies and included a review of UNODC’s programme implementation in 2022 as well as endorsement of the proposed 2023 joint workplan.
The 2023 UNODC – GOI programmatic workplan is developed and updated in accordance with the UNODC Global Strategy, the UNODC Regional Programme for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, as well as under the cooperation with the Government of Indonesia as outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and Indonesia’s National 2020-2024 Mid-Term and 2005-2025 Long-Term Development Plans (RPJMN 2020-2024 and RPJPN 2005-2025).
The PGC was a culmination of a series of consultations with various government ministries/agencies at the technical level through Technical Working Groups (TWGs) meetings. The TWGs provided an opportunity to engage with partners at the implementation level, ensuring that proposed programmes continues to meet the needs of the Government of Indonesia and is aligned with the Indonesian government’s national and institutional priorities.
During the opening remarks, Dr. Ir. Slamet Soedarsono, Acting-Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense and Security, BAPPENAS noted that the activities in the UNODC annual work plan aligned with and supported achieving national development priorities in the 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan and The 2023 Annual Government Work Plan (RKP 2023), especially in priority No. 7 regarding strengthening political stability, law, defense and security and transformation of public services. “In the future, monitoring and evaluation are needed to provide feedback for the next planning and sharpen critical indicators. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen technological instruments to obtain sustainable information and identify risks and problems early. If this is done, mitigation will be solved quickly”, stated Mr. Soedarsono.
Mr. Caka Alverdi Awal, Director of International Security and Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed his appreciation to UNODC for consistently presenting its planned programmes each year. MoFA supports the TWG and PGC consultation structure, as it supports greater coordination and synegy across programmes. Mr. Awal shared that: “This meeting aims to ensure that the UNODC progammes are implemented effectively, aligned with Indonesia’s long-term and medium-term development in achieving the SDGs, and also to monitor that the cooperation between UNODC and Indonesia will benefit and give real impacts to the people and Indonesia’s development and national interests. "
In the opening remarks, Ms. Valerie Juliand, UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, said that the partnership between Indonesia and UNODC has evolved since 2007 to become one of the most prominent country programmes for UNODC in Southeast Asia, with focus on corruption and environmental crime issues, drug trafficking and use, as well terrorism prevention. She stated that, “UNODC's support has evolved from technical assistance towards supporting a country-led and owned policy agenda, consistent with Indonesia's status as a middle-income country”.
Mr. Collie F. Brown, UNODC Indonesia Country Manager and Liaison to ASEAN, expressed appreciation for the longstanding cooperation with various ministries and agencies. “We have accomplished many achievements together with our collaboration. I thank all relevant ministries and agencies for their active contributions in the programme implementation and further encourage all ministries and agencies to continue providing input to UNODC Indonesia to ensure its effectiveness and coherence with national priorities,” Mr. Brown stated in his opening remarks.
During the meeting, 2022 programme highlights and 2023 work plans from the six Outcomes of the UNODC’s Programme strategy were presented and reflected the broad scope of UNODC’s cooperation with Indonesia. The 12th PGC also solicited input, clarification, and suggestions from participants to enhance the work plans for upcoming programme activities.
The Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings were conducted in February 2023, and the PGC meeting In March as part of the mutual cooperation between UNODC Indonesia Programme Office and the Government of Indonesia. BAPPENAS, MoFA, and UNODC jointly chaired the 12th PGC meeting. The next PGC will be convened in August 2023.