UNODC promotes international cooperation to enhance and advance forensic science in Uzbekistan

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UNODC, together with the National Forensic Science Centre named after Kh. Sulaymanov of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan organized an international scientific and practical conference “Role of International Cooperation in Enhancing and Advancing Forensic Expertise”. Held on 18 - 19 April 2024 at the Olmos Convention Centre in the Bostonliq district of the Tashkent region, the conference convened over 400 experts, law enforcement professionals, and criminal justice practitioners from countries such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan.

The primary aim of the conference was to provide a platform for assessing the current state and challenges of forensic science, exchanging international best practices and experiences, and formulating strategies to enhance further forensic expertise in Uzbekistan.

Mr. Toshkulov, the Minister of Justice of Uzbekistan, underscored the necessity of expanding international cooperation in dealing with digital evidence and combatting cybercrimes, emphasizing the need for systematic training of experts and equipping forensic science institutions with modern technologies and methodologies. He also highlighted the rapid development of Uzbekistan's forensic science system due to widescale reforms, attributing a significant role to international cooperation in the implementation of these reforms.

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In her welcome address, Ms. Ashita Mittal, UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia, emphasized the borderless nature of crime and the imperative for a global response to tackle transnational criminal networks operating across the regions. She reaffirmed UNODC's steadfast commitment to enhancing forensic science capabilities in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, aiming to strengthen partnerships and explore innovative approaches for a more cohesive and resilient forensic science infrastructure in the region.

H.E. Jonathan Henick, the U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan, commended the government's efforts to strengthen forensic capacities by adopting and applying international standards and stressed the importance of continuous development of law enforcement capabilities and knowledge sharing to combat both emerging and traditional crimes effectively.

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The conference featured renowned international speakers, including Mr. Yanko Georgiev Kolev, President of the International Association of Forensic Science, Ms. Halimah binti Abdul Rahim, Vice President of the Asian Forensic Science Network, Mr. Hizir Asliyuksek, President of the Forensic Medicine Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Türkiye, Mr. Elchin Gasimov, Head of Forensic Science Centre of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan (online), Mr. Ruslan Satyvaldeev, acting Director of the Forensic Examination Centre of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan (online), Ms. Purvi Pokhariyal, Head of Delhi Campus, Mr. Shankar Junare, Head of Gujarat Campus of the National Forensic Science University of India, and Ms. Anne-Marie Forten, Scientific Affairs Officer of the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Services (online).

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The conference provided an avenue for national forensic science centers to showcase their technical expertise through exhibition stands, demonstrating their proficiency in offering forensic analysis and examination across various forensic disciplines.

This event was organized within the framework of the UNODC project "Improve Forensic Capacities in Uzbekistan – Phase II" supported by funding from the U.S. State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

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