Passenger and Cargo Border Team (PCBT) enhances strategic trade and export control capacities of Port and Air Cargo Control Units in Kazakhstan

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On 22-26 April 2024, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in cooperation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana conducted the PCBT Strategic Trade and Export Control (STEC) national training in Almaty, Kazakhstan within the framework of the UNODC-WCO Global Container Control Programme (CCP) for 24 representatives from the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance and Border Service of the National Security Committee, including National Focal Points (NFPs) from the central-level services and members of the Port and Air Cargo Control Units (PCUs/ACCUs).

The training, led by Adam Bacheller, Expert, Passenger and Cargo Border Team (PCBT) Border Management Branch, UNODC HQ has started with the overview of the Programme and elaborated sessions on the key topics, elaborating upon strategic trade control principles, weapons of mass destruction, industrial equipment, materials, equipment and electronic used in biological and chemical weapons development as well as missiles development programs, nuclear and radioactive materials, human rights and integrity overview concerning law enforcement officials with the examples of good practices and case examples from UN Member States.

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Sessions were held in an interactive mode, which was highly welcomed and well accepted by participants, with active information exchanges and engagement within group exercises. Each group presented the outcomes of the group exercises, which was followed by their assessment and discussion by trainer and other group members.

The participants expressed their gratitude to UNODC PCBT for the interesting training, which capitalized upon practical and topical aspects and helped to improve their level of knowledge and hands-on risk profiling and targeting skills. The participants were awarded certificates in the end of the training.

The PCBT Regional Segment for Central Asia is funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), and the Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program, and the Governments of Japan and France.

More about Global PCBT/CCP see at: