UNODC completed a series of workshops “Legal framework for Combating Human Trafficking. Detection and Investigation of Human Trafficking Crimes” throughout the regions of Uzbekistan

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In the united efforts, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MoI) concluded a series of four pivotal workshops “Legal framework for Combating Human Trafficking. Detection and Investigation of Human Trafficking Crimes”, which took place in Termez, Jizzakh, Namangan and Navoiy in April and May 2024. The workshops were aimed to achieve consistent proficiency in combating trafficking in persons of relevant subject matter practitioners of the MoI in all regions of Uzbekistan.

During the workshops, 54 officers of the MoI from dedicated departments for combating trafficking in persons in 12 regions, Tashkent City and the Republic of Karakalpakistan developed their knowledge of international and national legal framework and skills of qualification and victim-centered investigation of trafficking in persons cases, identification of trafficking victims and their referral for assistance, specifics of operational activity, electronic evidence collection and international cooperation in such cases, as well as parallel financial investigations. The training material was based on the Handbook on Investigation, Prosecution and Adjudication of Trafficking in Persons Cases elaborated by UNODC together with practitioners of Uzbekistan and consisted of interactive presentations followed by practical exercises including role-playing scenarios and discussions on real cases.

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UNODC expresses special thanks to the MoI and its specialists - trainers who shared their knowledge together with the Ms. Reda Sirgediene, UNODC Regional Adviser for Central Asia on Combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants during the workshops: Ms. Zukhra Khodjaeva, Mr. Shukurullakhon Fayzullakhonov and Mr. Eshon Turayev, Leading Specialists of the Department for Combating Trafficking in Persons, Ms. Nargiza Khodjabayeva, Deputy Head and Mr. Khurshid Yakubov, Investigator of the Office of the Investigation Department.

The workshops were conducted as part of the UNODC Global Programme “UNODC Action against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling” with financial support of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).