UNODC and the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan have signed an Action Plan for joint activities aimed at countering corruption in the country.

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Uzbekistan continues its efforts to counter corruption, enhance transparency and accountability within the public sector, engage civil society in public oversight and anti-corruption initiatives, and promote business integrity and transparency in public procurement. Numerous anti-corruption legislative initiatives have been introduced, including amendments to the Criminal Code to strengthen liability for corruption, the adoption of a new law on anti-corruption screening, and the management of conflicts of interest in the public sector.

Uzbekistan is currently undergoing the second cycle of review for the implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), as well as the fifth round of monitoring for the implementation of the Istanbul Action Plan.

It is evident that the Republic remains strongly committed to fulfilling its obligations under the UNCAC, the Istanbul Action Plan, and other international anti-corruption conventions and standards. These efforts are aimed at achieving the highest performance in the public sector and ensuring the attainment of all Sustainable Development Goals.

As a custodian of the UNCAC, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is dedicated to providing the necessary technical assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies in the country.

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On June 7, 2024, the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan and the UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia signed an Action Plan for the joint implementation of anti-corruption initiatives for 2024-2025.

The signing of the Action Plan by H.E. Mr. Akmal Burkhanov and UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia Ms. Ashita Mittal reaffirmed a fortified partnership aimed at developing the national anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The ceremony began with welcoming remarks by Director of the Agency, Mr. Burkhanov, who highlighted that the signing of the joint Action Plan will contribute to the tasks of the Agency to implement state programs aimed at eliminating corruption and enhancing integrity. He stated: "We are dedicated to integrating international anti-corruption standards into national legislation, reviewing UNCAC implementation in Uzbekistan, and enhancing cooperation in the preparation of anti-corruption policy documents."

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UNODC Regional Representative, Ms. Ashita Mittal, expressed gratitude for the fruitful cooperation and consultations conducted jointly with the Anti-Corruption Agency. She elaborated on the critical aspects of the Action Plan for 2024-2025, which prioritizes strengthening anti-corruption measures and integrates several pivotal initiatives:

Collaboration under the Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the UNCAC Implementation in Central Asia, which will accelerate the adoption of best practices and foster an environment of mutual learning and support.

Promotion of the UNODC’s GRACE initiative across educational systems, underscoring our dedication to cultivating a culture of integrity and zero tolerance towards corruption at all societal levels.

Provision of support to the Republic of Uzbekistan in fulfilling its obligations under the UN Convention against Corruption and in establishing a comprehensive corruption prevention system.

Mr. Vladimir Kozin, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, emphasized the focus on developing the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2024-2030 within the Action Plan. The strategy will serve as a blueprint for legal frameworks that address corruption in both the public and private sectors and ensure the return of assets acquired through corruption.

All participants of the event expressed their commitment to the practical implementation of the Action Plan, to mobilizing additional resources, involving diverse stakeholders, and fostering an inclusive approach that involves civil society and all sectors of government.

This collective journey aims to achieve our common goals of establishing a safer and more just society.


For more information, please visit us on:

Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in Central Asia

YouTube: UNODC United Against Corruption


For partnership, please contact:

Vladimir Kozin, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser

Email: vladimir.kozin[at]

Azat Irmanov, National Programme Officer

Email: azat.irmanov[at]