UNODC and ADB support Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in Central Asia

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On March 26-27, 2024, Bishkek hosted a hybrid expert workshop as part of the Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the UNCAC Implementation in Central Asia supported by UNODC. The workshop aimed at enhancing capacity and promoting peer learning of regional anti-corruption practitioners on best practices in preventing conflicts of interest and implementing ethical conduct in public, quasi-public, and private sectors in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. 50 participants representing the General Prosecutors Offices and Anti-Corruption Agencies of 5 Central Asian countries, as well as governmental bodies and the private sector of the host country - the Ministry of Justice, the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Finance, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Interior and the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, examined regional experiences and identified mechanisms for the successful implementation of relevant UNCAC provisions in legislation and practice.

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"The UN Convention against Corruption is a powerful instrument, and its implementation emphasizes our common aspiration to create a world based on the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability. The Convention not only provides a framework for international cooperation, but also reaffirms our commitment to national and international standards in the fight against corruption," said Adyl uulu Kuban, Deputy General Prosecutor of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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Andrey Seleznev, Head of UNODC

Programme Office in the Kyrgyz Republic  welcomed the delegations and noted: "This regional workshop is part of the regional platform for the Central Asian countries aimed at enhancing the effective implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption. The UNODC Program Office in Kyrgyzstan assists national partners in a wide range of areas, including the recovery of proceeds of corruption offenses and the establishment of a system of parallel financial investigations. Together with donors, we are seeing significant results of our joint work and are committed to continuing and strengthening our collaboration”.

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"We are very pleased that ADB has the opportunity to organize this workshop together with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic and UNODC Office, and to support the government in such an important area as the development and implementation of the Kyrgyz Republic's Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Roadmap 2025-2030. ADB recognizes that corruption poses a significant risk to governance and the economy. Strengthening anti-corruption measures increases transparency and accountability in the public sector. Managing conflicts of interest and promoting ethical standards are critical to supporting government integrity and fighting corruption" – noted Zheng Wu, Director of the ADB Country Office in the Kyrgyz Republic.

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“The Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the UNCAC Implementation in Central Asia. aims to address practical issues of the countries of the region in combating corruption" - said Vladimir Kozin, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser of UNODC ROCA.

The participants highly appreciated the content and practical discussions that had been conducted during the event. The unique approach of the workshop focused on the peer discussion and evaluation of the gaps and best practices in the practical implementation of UNCAC in the regional countries.

The event was organized by UNODC, with the financial support of Denmark, in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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Stay tuned for more results from the Seminar on webpage of the Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in Central Asia! #UNODC #UnitedAgaisntCorruption

UNODC Materials (in English):

United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)

Legislative Guide for the Implementation of UNCAC

Technical Guide to the UNCAC

Implementation Review Mechanism


For partnership, please contact:

Vladimir Kozin, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser

Email: vladimir.kozin[at]

Azat Irmanov, National Programme Officer on Anti-corruption

Email: azat.irmanov[at]