Officers stationed at the UNODC-supported Border Liaison Office in Uzbekistan successfully thwart an attempt to smuggle ammunition

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Together with national partners, UNODC remains committed to developing and executing innovative strategies to combat cross-border crime.

One key initiative in this endeavor is the establishment of Border Liaison Offices (BLOs), crucial for fostering improved cross-border communication and intelligence-sharing. These offices play a pivotal role in identifying and halting various smuggling activities, including narcotics, psychotropic substances, and precursor chemicals, all while facilitating lawful international trade.

On 20 April 2024, officers stationed at the UNODC-supported Border Liaison Office in Uzbekistan intercepted an attempt to smuggle pneumatic ammunition. While conducting a customs inspection at the Dustlik border crossing point, BLO officers discovered 130 boxes of Oztay Diabolo 4.5 mm bullets for pneumatic weapons concealed inside a baby carriage transporting a child. The combined value of the seized bullets amounted to an estimated UZS 9,100,000. Notably, these items had not been declared to customs officers, breaching duty-free import regulations and not intended for personal use.

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The BLO at the Dustlik border crossing point is one of 24 such offices strategically positioned at key border crossing points across Central Asia. These offices have been established under the Regional Project on Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation by Strengthening the Capacity of Border Liaison Offices in Central Asia of Sub-programme 1 Preventing and Countering Transnational Organized Crime of the UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2022 - 2025.

This pioneering project, supported by the Government of Japan, strives to establish BLOs across Central Asia, with stakeholder involvement from the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Border Troops, Customs Services, and Drug Control Agencies of each participating country. One of the primary objectives of the project is to enhance the capabilities of BLO officers from various law enforcement agencies, equipping them with the necessary skills and cutting-edge tools to combat transnational organized crime effectively.

Such collaborative efforts highlight a shared commitment to preventing and countering transnational organized crime, making the borders in Central Asia safer and more secure.


*The photos are taken from

Read more about the project

For further information, please contact:

Nurangez Abdulhamidova

Communications and External Relations Specialist

UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia

Email: nurangez.abdulhamidova[at]