A new Border Liaison Office and computer-based training class on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border is inaugurated

On 14 September 2022, UNODC together with the Border Service of National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan inaugurated the Border Liaison Office (BLO) and interactive computer-based training class at  ‘Sypatai Batyr’ border checkpoint (BCP) located on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border.

Such joint initiative has been operating in Kazakhstan since June 2016. As of today, UNODC with the financial support of the Government of Japan in close cooperation with national counterparts established a total of three BLOs and computer-based training classes in Kazakhstan on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz (‘Kordai’ BCP and ‘Sypatai Batyr’ BCP) and Kazakh-Uzbek (‘B. Konysbayev’ BCP) borders.

‘Sypatai Batyr’ BCP covers both automobile and railway corridors/links on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border, and deployment of BLO at this strategic BCP is important for cross-border trade and people movement. Located in the Southern Kazakhstan in the same region with the ‘Shu’ Valley from where a majority of wild cannabis with pronounced psychotropic properties is cultivated,  ‘Sypatai Batyr’ BCP plays an important role in combatting regional illicit drug trafficking. On average 2,000 vehicles and 4,000 passengers pass through BCP on a daily basis. The established BLOs in Kazakhstan will further strengthen country efforts to effectively counter illicit trafficking, detecting, and intercepting contraband, including narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals, while facilitating legitimate international trade.

The event started with the opening remarks of Mr. Bauyrzhan Absamatov, Deputy Head of Border Service of National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan who thanked UNODC and the Government of Japan for unwavering support and financial contribution. He expressed his confidence that given joint event would be another milestone in a long chain of future joint achievements. “We fully support UNODC in forming a network of Border Liaison Offices and are actively preparing for the transition to the next level - the opening of the Situation Center and BLO at the “Temir baba” BCP on the Kazakh-Turkmen border next year”, added Mr. Absamatov.

Ms. Ashita Mittal, UNODC Regional Representative to Central Asia, in turn thanked the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for long standing and reliable partnership with UNODC in countering illicit drug trafficking, transnational organized crime, corruption and terrorism. Ms. Mittal emphasized UNODC’s commitment to further fostering greater cross-border cooperation of national stakeholders in the region through extended support in capacity development of the serving staff through providing specialized training courses and technical equipment.

She spoke highly on the Japanese Government’s contribution in peace, security and development of Central Asia and emphasized that  Japanese Government is “not just a donor but a true partner of the UNODC”. Ms. Mittal also thanked law enforcement officers of Kazakhstan for their service, especially border guard officers for ensuring security within the country and in the entire region during such challenging times when people are grappling with a global pandemic and other threats that emanate in the broader region.  “UNODC Regional Cross-Border Cooperation Component is a flagship initiative that proved its value and effectiveness in achieving SDGs 16 and 17”,- she noted and called upon the national partners to support further expansion of the initiative and BLO concept to the air transport intersections and airports within the Central Asian region.

The opening remarks were concluded by Mr. Tomohiro Kanata, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan, who informed that Japan intends to keep close cooperation with UNODC and believes that the concerned countries need to cooperate more closely and solve tasks through effective joint action. He stressed out that threats such as organized crime, illicit drugs, and terrorism continue to be common issues for the international community, and UNODC, the only international organization that comprehensively addresses these issues, is of increasing importance. The Border Service of National Security Committee demonstrated the capacity of  ‘Sypatai Batyr’ BCP where participants witnessed the inspection process of vehicles and passengers traveling through a checkpoint. The computer-based class uses the adopted version of the training courses developed by the Turkish International Academy against Drugs and Organized Crime (TADOC), and the officers of this BCP can develop and strengthen their skills in conducting a comprehensive search on the land border, applying control methods in seaports, countering human trafficking, identifying chemical precursors and risk management.

To date, 21 (twenty-one) BLOs have been established on the Tajik-Afghan, Uzbek-Afghan, Tajik-Uzbek, Kyrgyz-Tajik, Kyrgyz-Uzbek, Kyrgyz-Kazakh and Kazakh-Uzbek borders with the financial support of the Government of Japan.