MJSP and UNODC convene videoconference to strengthen partnerships in fighting crime

Brasilia, 20 August, 2020 - Representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety (MJSP, by its acronym in Portuguese) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) met via videoconference this Thursday to reaffirm the partnership in combating drugs, recovery of assets, combating corruption and money laundering.

On the occasion, the implementation of the Center of Excellence for Illicit Drug Supply Reduction (CoE), scheduled to be implemented in October 2020, was addressed. The Center, to be set within the structure of SENAD, in Brasilia, will instrumentalize the National Secretariat on Drug Policy (SENAD) in the elaboration of studies and analyses on trends and threats represented by the different types of illicit drug trafficking and transnational organized crime. The Pilot Project will also contribute to the formulation of public policies aimed at reducing crime in Brazil.

According to Minister André Mendonça, the partnership represents a relevant reinforcement for actions to combat crime. "Integrated work has been one of the successful strategies in the disarticulation of crime in the country," he said.

Elena Abbati, the UNODC country director stressed the importance of sharing Brazilian good practices with the international community. She mentioned positive advances in the management of seized assets from organized crime and the excellence of statistical information developed by the National Penitentiary Department, infoPEN.

The National Secretariat of Justice (SENAJUS), which also participated in the meeting, spoke about the importance of joint work between MJSP and UNODC, as the TRACK4TIP project, a three-year (2019-2022) initiative implemented with the support of the United States Department of State's Office of Monitoring and Combating Human Trafficking/JTIP. The project benefits eight countries in South America and the Caribbean with national and regional actions in Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Curacao and Aruba.

Also attending the meeting with UNODC representatives were Minister André Mendonça, the National Secretary of Justice, Claudio Panoeiro, the National Secretary of Drug Policy, Luiz Beggiora, DEPEN’s General Director, Tânia Fogaça, the international advisory services of the MJSP and the Public Policy and Institutional Articulation Board of the MJSP.

Information provided by MJSP https://www.gov.br/mj/pt-br


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