UNODC strengthens partnership with IDB to reduce violence in RS

Rio Grande do Sul, 1 February 2019 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has strengthened its partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and with state authorities of Rio Grande do Sul with the objective of promoting public safety in the state.

The partnership was discussed during a meeting this Friday (1) between the UNODC  programme analyst, Eduardo Pazinato; the deputy governor and secretary of public security of Rio Grande do Sul, Ranolfo Vieira Júnior; the IDB's representative, Rodrigo Serrano; the coordinator of the State Observatory for Public Security and UNODC focal point in the state,  Robeto Donato. The meeting was mediated by the secretary of justice, Citizenship and Human Rights secretary, Catarina Paladini.

Ranolfo Vieira detailed the basic lines of the ongoing public security policy and the intention to strengthen and expand the inter-institutional partnerships with the IDB and UNODC in the state, with a focus on social prevention of violence in general and homicide in particular.

Rodrigo Serrano offered new funding lines and new institutional partnerships to the state government and emphasized the importance of the "Programa Oportunidades e Direitos (POD/BID, by its acronym in Portuguese)", which aims to reduce violence and combat school dropout among young people aged 15-24.

He also mentioned UNODC technical advisory work on monitoring the use of force in places covered by the POD/IDB in the cities of Alvorada, Porto Alegre and Viamão.

Pazinato reported the advances made by the state in the design and development of the unprecedented Policie Activity Compliance Index (IPAC, by its acronym in Portugues), and the structuring of the State Public Security Observatory of Rio Grande do Sul, linked to the Public Security Secretariat.

Donato highlighted the relevance of UNODC technical support to the Observatory, as well as the results of the IDB-frated initiatives.

UNODC, in the end, offered to implement the State Youth Observatory, one of the projects that integrate the Pinanced programme in therms of controlling and reducing violent crime through strengthening the  community policing strategy, among other integOD, as well as to gather efforts to improve state public policies for mental health care and the quality of life of police officers, as part of the broader efforts to monitor the use of force.

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This article is related to the Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Health and Well-being), 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

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