UNODC participates in the launch of the State Plan for Drug Policy in Mato Grosso
Brasilia, 24 May 2016 - From 11 to 13 May, the state of Mato Grosso organized the "Drug Policy Forum: Dialogue and Action 2016", when the "State Plan Advisory on Drug Policy - Actions 2016" was launched. The document was prepared by the Office on Drug Policy of the Secretariat of Justice and Human Rights (Sejudh).
The event which took place in the auditorium of the Court of Mato Grosso in Cuiaba included the presentation of several experiences on drug use prevention that have been implemented in different states of Brazil.
The Prevention coordinator of the National Secretariat on Drug Policy (SENAD) of the Ministry of Justice, Ana Ferraz, presented the programs Game Elos, #Tamojunto and Strong Families that are being implemented since 2014 in several states of Brazil by SENAD and by the General Coordination of Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs (Ministry of Health). "There are now three available prevention programs adapted to the Brazilian reality. Moreover, they have been studied and evaluated for their suitability, acceptability and satisfaction. The programs are interactive and use innovative tools that motivate both participants as multipliers allowing a reflection on coexistence in collective spaces", said Ana.
The Programme Officer of the Health and Development Unit of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Brazil, Nara Santos, emphasized in her presentation the international guidelines for drug use prevention. "The science of prevention has made huge advances in the last 20 years, allowing to identify that, based on evidences, prevention strategies need to extrapolate the information field. The evidence points to the importance of a relationship between prevention and socialization process of children and teenagers", said Nara.
When citing the UNODC publication "International Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention" Nara also highlights that, for every dollar spent on prevention, at least ten can be saved in future costs on health, social programmes and crime.
Still, on occasion, the superintendent on Drug Policy of Sejudh, Paulo Roberto Santana Jr., discussed the global drug problem and presented the strategies and methodologies to prevent the early use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, which make up the plan. "Seventeen municipalities that have shown significant levels of violence and the presence of drugs will have priority in the implementation of the plan's actions in 2016".
According to Paul, the proposal will be extended to other municipalities in 2017 and 2018. "The Superintendence team built its proposed actions to fulfill their duties with the Mato Grosso society, all based on scientific evidence, following international and national guidelines that orient public policy on drugs".
The Superintendence is responsible for promoting the implementation of public policies approved by the State Council for Drug Policy (Conesd), as well as the social role of the state in the promotion, prevention, care and social rehabilitation to alcohol and other drugs user.
The event audience was composed by professionals and managers from areas as education, social assistance and health of the State of Mato Grosso.