UNODC and Ivete Sangalo promote press conference on the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons
Rafael Franzini, Ivete Sangalo e Jorge Chediek
Brasilia, 5 December, 2014 - On 4 December, the press gathered at the UN House in Brasilia for the presentation of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and to learn a little more about the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons, whose Goodwill Ambassador is the singer Ivete Sangalo.
The Representative of the UNODC Liaison and Partnership Office in Brazil, Rafael Franzini, said that there is already a draft bill petition in the Congress to reform the Criminal Code with respect to trafficking in persons. "Brazil has had great advances on the adaptation of its laws to the Palermo Protocol. With this, surely facing human trafficking will be even more effective. The countries in the Americas are also cooperating a lot to address this crime", concludes Franzini.
Franzini also mentioned the important role of the press to face the trafficking in persons, because they can help disseminate knowledge about this crime. He also appreciated the Globo Group which has given a very important support to the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons and to the UNODC.
For Jorge Chediek, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Brazil, it is critical to look at the reasons that lead people to accept suspicious work proposals. According to him, if the person is in a vulnerable situation, certainly, the probability of enticement of that person for human trafficking is higher.
As Ambassador of the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons Ivete Sangalo made clear that her goal is to lend her voice to those who can not speak and report for themselves. According to her, the denouncement is of great help to confront this crime, but people are afraid to report it because they feel that their lives and the lives of their families may be at risk.
"I want people who are at risk to know that they can and should denounce. That is the only way we can investigate cases and in the future stop this crime that destroys the lives of thousands of people. That is why I want to use my fame and the space that I have in the media to bring this message to Brazil, " said Ivete.
The Global Report 2014 on Trafficking in Persons released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), shows that out of every three known victims of trafficking in persons, one is a child - an increase of 5% over the period 2007-2010. Girls make 2 out of 3 children victims and, together with the women, they represent 70% of victims of all trafficking worldwide.
"Unfortunately, the report shows that there is no place where children, women and men are safe from human trafficking," said UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov. "The official data reported to UNODC by the national authorities of the various countries account for only what has been detected. It is very clear that modern slavery scale is much worse."
Trafficking for forced labor - including the industrial and construction sectors, domestic work and textile production - also continuously increased over the past five years. About 35% of victims of trafficking detected for forced labor are women.
However, there are regional variations: victims in Europe and Central Asia are trafficked, mostly for sexual exploitation, while in East Asia and the Pacific, forced labor dominates the market. In the Americas, both types are detected in equal measure.
Most of the flows are interregional and more than 6 among 10 victims crossed at least one national border. The vast majority of convicted traffickers - 72% - are males and are citizens of the country in which they operate.
The report also notes that impunity remains a serious problem: 40% of the countries made only a few or no condemnation, and that over the last 10 years there has been no noticeable increase in the response of global justice to this crime, leaving a significant portion of the population vulnerable.
"Even though most countries criminalize trafficking, many people live in countries whose laws do not conform with international standards, which would provide them full protection, as the Trafficking in Persons Protocol," Fedotov said.
"That needs to change," said Fedotov. "Each country needs to adopt the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocol, and to commit to the full implementation of its provisions."
Photos: Aline Czezacki, UNAIDS Brasil