Three organizations will run the International Award for Young People together with UNODC in Brazil
August 8, 2011 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - UNODC completed the selection of three organizations to run the program Youth Award in three municipalities in Brazil.
AVSI has been selected to implement the program in Contagem, Minas Gerais. The Socio Educational and Cultural Association of Bahia - ADESCO will act in the municipality of Lauro de Freitas, Bahia, and the Brazilian Center for Development - CEBRADES will work in Vitória, Espírito Santo.
Partner to UNODC since 2009, the International Award for Young People is a self-directed program for youngsters aged 14 to 25 years. The Youth Award with UNODC is part of the Joint Programme "Security with Citizenship: preventing violence and strengthening citizenship, focusing on children, adolescents and youth in vulnerable communities in Brazil," which is being developed by UNODC with other five bodies of the UN system.
Launched in the UK in 1956 as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, the Youth Award seeks to reduce the violence that affects youngsters between 10 and 24 years in vulnerable situations - which are out of school, suffer from domestic violence or are involved in drug trafficking - through the voluntary compliance of rules, self-regulation of behavior and promoting social control mechanisms.
The programme is present in 132 countries and to date more than 7 million youngsters worldwide have participated in the award. The main innovation of the method of the Academy Award is that there aren´t rules to participate. The challenge is defined by each participant, which sets its own goals and monitors its progress. In each situation, participants compete with themselves and challenge their own limits.
Throughout the programme, youngsters have the opportunity to participate in various activities within the four main axes of the Youth Award - (i) voluntary service (ii) undertake an adventurous journey (iii) the discovery and development of personal skills and ( iv) to promote sport and physical activity.
The International Youth Award is a self-development programme available to all young people in the world, providing life skills to make a difference in their lives, their community and the world.
The Security with Citizenship Programme is an initiative funded by the Fund for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, composed of six bodies of the UN system: United Nations Development Programme - UNDP; the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - UNODC; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO; the International Labour Organization - ILO; the United Nations Human Settlements Programme - UN-HABITAT; and the United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF. The programme is developed in partnership with the Federal Government of Brazil through the Ministry of Justice.
Check out the organizations selected by UNODC to run the International Youth Award:
Contagem (MG): Fundação AVSI
Lauro de Freitas (BA) - Associação de Desenvolvimento Sócio Educativo e Cultural da Bahia - ADESC
Vitória (ES) - Centro Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento - Cebrades
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