UN System, Banda Eva and EcoDevelopment Institute foster MDGs during Carnival
"In practice, we can say that the MDGs are achieved when we turn in a positive way, the real life of every citizen. The Carnival has a role, both in the social arena and in the economy: first as a source of hope for a better and fairer world. Then, as a source of real opportunities, job creation, social inclusion, promotion of gender equality and working together towards a more prosperous and happy world " says Jorge Chediek, Resident Coordinator of the UN System in Brazil.
To promote the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Banda Eva joins the United Nations system in Brazil and the Institute Eco Development during the Carnival in Salvador, 2011. The project aims at contributing to public awareness of the importance of the 8 MDG, which are: to end hunger and poverty, basic quality education for all, gender equality and woman empowerment, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat AIDS, malaria and other diseases, quality of life and respect for the environment, and finally, to have everyone working towards development.
Throughout the whole Carnival, the campaign will be present with several messages being transmitted through the electronic panels of Eva´s sound-cars, and there will be many details in the "guide for partygoers" and giant balloons will have the marks of campaign in the opening parade of the blocks.
The musical group will also promote a 'feijoada' on Saturday, 5 March. This disputed tradition will happen for the first time at the Yacht Club, and the afternoon lunch will bring together about 500 guests, who will receive material with information on the campaign and ribbons of Bonfim, with symbols of the eight MDGs. The event has become one of the most expected of this Carnival and marks the beginning of a three-day party of Banda Eva.
It's not the first time that Banda Eva will perform social responsibility. In previous years the group has embraced the campaign "State of Peace" and the slogans, "Caia na folia, não caia na avenida" (Fall in the party, don´t fall in the avenue") and "Depois não me conte os seus problemas - use camisinha"(Don't´come to me later to tell me about your problems - wear a condom"). In addition, the group will help, once again, the Beneficent Association of Recreation and Community Nursery School 'Happy Child of the Sussuarana' and the NGO Cipó - Interactive Communication through the exchange of courtesies 'abadás' of Banda Eva and Nu Outro. Since 2003, it has become a tradition for Banda Eva to contribute to good deeds.
ECOD Institute
Ecodevelopment Institute is a nonprofit organization that aims to raise awareness, mobilize and educate individuals and organizations to incorporate principles and practices that contribute to sustainable development. The Institute participates, supports and promotes several initiatives of society interest as theTEDxSP and the TEDxAmazon, All for Education, SWU, World Carfree Day, Pink Day, Earth Charter, Brazilian and Latin American Network of Fair and Sustainable Cities among others. Through its partnership network, the Institute maintains the portal EcoD.org.br, a specialized communication multiplatform, which is now the largest provider of sustainability content of the Brazilian civil society Internet.
UN - United Nations in Brazil
The United Nations promote peace, justice, development and democracy in the name of the people of the world and, together with its 192 State Members, have worked in recent decades to reduce economic inequalities, promote human rights, mediate conflicts and support the reconstruction of countries devastated by disasters of any kind. An emblematic example of this effort is the set of eight Millennium Development Goals, which since 2000 are mobilizing the international community to assit the most needed, save lives and give more quality to human existence.
Press contacts:
Daniel de Castro
United Nations Development Programme (UNDPO)
(+55 61) 3038-9117/ (+55 61) 8221 1502/ daniel.decastro@undp.org