Islamic Republic of Iran

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) calls on everyone to act against corruption

Tehran, 11 December 2011 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) called on everyone to act against corruption during an event organized by the General Inspection Organization to celebrate the International Anti-Corruption Day, which was held in Tehran on Sunday 11 December 2011.

"Corruption is a global social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries" said Mr. De Leo, UNODC Country Representative. "The UN Convention against Corruption is the first and the only all-inclusive anti-corruption instrument of international law". Ratified by 155 countries, the Convention obliges States to prevent and criminalize corruption, promote international cooperation, and improve technical assistance and information exchange. As "the guardian of the UN Convention against Corruption", the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime facilitates its ratification and implementation and supports States in devising coherent responses to prevent and combat corruption in accordance with the Convention.

In November 2009, the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption agreed to establish a peer review mechanism which allows countries to mutually assess compliance with the Convention. Through the peer review mechanism, good practices and areas requiring further improvements are identified.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is party to the Convention; it has compiled the "Self-Assessment, UNCAC, Chapter III and IV" and will be reviewed by Belarus and Indonesia in the first quarter of 2012. Mr. De Leo urged the Islamic Republic of Iran to "take advantage of the work of the peer review mechanism in identifying successes, challenges and technical assistance needs to enhance the implementation of the Convention".

In Iran, UNODC supports national efforts in the areas of legislation and capacity building within the framework of its Programme of Technical Cooperation on Drugs and Crime for the Islamic Republic of Iran (2011-2014).

This year's UNODC and UNDP joint global campaign, " Against Corruption Today" (ACT) encourages multi-stakeholder engagement to address corruption through media, citizen monitoring initiatives, parliamentary procedures and support to the work of anti-corruption bodies. As part of this campaign, a series of posters have been designed by UNODC and UNDP and have been distributed in the Islamic Republic of Iran through the assistance of the Government Inspection Organization.

On the occasion of the international anti-corruption day, UNODC Executive Director, Mr. Fedotov emphasized the importance of the role of stakeholders other than the States, including the private sector, the civil society, the youth and the media. "Education is a key area and Member States need to strengthen awareness raising throughout all sectors of society. The youth of today need to have the ethics and integrity to reject the corruption of tomorrow" said Mr. Fedotov.

Mr. De Leo concluded by quoting the call of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon "on everyone to act against corruption by engendering a culture that values ethical behaviours"