Islamic Republic of Iran


Meetings, Workshops and Study Missions


Workshop on "HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Prevention among Sexual Partners of Drug Users"

A three-day training workshop was held in Tehran from  4 to 6 December 2012 on the "HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Prevention among Sexual Partners of Drug Users" package, which had been developed by UNODC Iran under the Country Programme 2011-2014. Issues discussed in this workshop included, inter alia, the characteristics of vulnerable women, safe sex, and violence management strategies. The workshop participants were psychologists from the Vulnerable Women Centres of the Ministry of Health, health clinics of Tehran Municipality and Drop-in Centres (DICs). [Full Text-Fa]


Life Skills Training for children at high-risk through novel methods

Joint drug prevention initiative on "Life skills training for high-risk students through alternative and leisure activities" was conducted under IRNI55 Project "Nationwide Drug Prevention Measures in the Islamic Republic of Iran" with close cooperation of Iranian Civil Society Management and Development Institute, Social Psychological Health Society, Airsa Art,Thought Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) and Tomorrow Family Association during November-December 2009. This endeavor was an innovative method to train children at high-risk on life skills as well as drug and HIV prevention through dramatic arts, writing, painting, pottery making, group workings, workshops and games. More than 30 full day trainings were conducted in this regard, in schools, Non-governmental organizations working with street children and institutions, covering more than 800 children at high-risk. Meanwhile, implementing this kind of creative activities on life skills training as well as drug and HIV prevention, has helped to enhance children awareness and their expertise in these fields, providing them necessary tools and strength to confront hard situations in their lives. [Full Text-Fa]


Study Mission: Myanmar

A delegation of Myanmar governmental representatives visited Iran for a study mission in March 2007 with the aim of getting acquainted with Iran's best practices in the field of drug use and HIV/AIDS control, especially in prisons settings. This study mission was organized by UNODC Iran in line with South-South Cooperation goals, which promote sharing of knowledge and experiences among developing countries. [Full Text-En]


Study Mission: Malaysia, Vietnam

Delegations of Malaysia and Vietnam visited Iran for a study mission in May 2007 with the aim of advocacy and awareness raising for HIV related to drug use in prison settings. This study  mission was organized by UNODC Iran in line with South-South Cooperation goals, which promote sharing of knowledge and experiences among developing countries. [Full Text-En]


Study Mission: China

A delegation of China visited Iran for a study mission in July 2007 with the aim of increasing multi-sectoral cooperation in HIV prevention among Injecting Drug Users in the community as well as prison settings. This study mission was organized by UNODC Iran in line with South-South Cooperation goals, which promote sharing of knowledge and experiences among developing countries. [Full Text-En]


Study Mission: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan

Delegations of Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan visited Iran for a study mission in November 2007 with the aim of analyzing and discussing HIV/AIDS prevention, and care services in the community as well as prison settings. This study mission was organized by UNODC Iran in line with South-South Cooperation goals, which promote sharing of knowledge and experiences among developing countries. [Full Text-En]



Workshop: HIV/AIDS and the Mass Media

Considering the key role of the Mass Media in supporting HIV prevention programs as well as awareness raising among the general population, two rounds of workshops on "Mass Media and HIV/AIDS" were organized by UNODC under the UNAIDS Program Acceleration Fund (PAF) in November 2009 and January 2010. This activity was conducted following the production of a guideline on HIV/AIDS, tailored for the Iranian Mass Media  and titled: "AIDS is not only for others". Issues discussed in the workshops included the role of the Mass Media in public awareness raising on HIV/AIDS, ways of delivering accurate news and messages without stigmatizing. Moreover, the participants presented some recommendations emerged from their group works with the aim of improving the role of the mass media in Iran in relation to HIV/AIDS. [Full Text-Fa]



Workshop: Scaling up HIV Control Programs among Injecting Drug Users

A two-day collaborative workshop titled  "Workshop on Defining Mechanisms for Scaling-up HIV Control Programs among Injecting Drug Users: Challenges and Obstacles" was organized on 13-14 November 2007 in Tehran by UNODC under the UNAIDS Program Acceleration Fund (PAF) in cooperation with Iran Drug Control Headquarters. The purpose of this seminar was  to scale up harm reduction programs  and highlight the role of sexual transmission, high-risk behaviors, and injecting drug use in spreading the epidemic of HIV. [Full Text-En]



Workshop: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Services to Drug Users

UNODC Iran and Drug Control Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran conducted a three-day Training of Trainers Workshop for Drop-in Centers' (DICs) staff on " HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Services to Drug Users" in February 2010 in Mashad under UNODC project XWWK05 "Sub Regional Project (Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) for Provision of Comprehensive HIV Prevention and Care Services to Afghan Drug Users". The purpose of this workshop was to train a number of the DICs staff as well as some of the experts from the related Medical Universities and State Welfare Organization in order to  allow them to deliver their knowledge to other staff of the contracted DICs under this project. [Full Text-En]



Workshops on "Drug and HIV prevention in the workplaces"

UNODC IRNI55 Project "Nationwide Drug Prevention Measures in the Islamic Republic of Iran" held two two-day training workshops for health managers, supervisors, and experts from Health, Safety and Environment Sections (HSEs) of enterprises and companies, covering 100 participants (50 individuals in each workshop). These training workshops were performed on 21-22 October 2009 as well as 26-27 October 2009 in UNODC Iran premises. The main objectives of these workshops were i) to increase participants' knowledge on drug prevention programmes in workplaces; ii) to build/develop capacity of drug and violence prevention in workplaces. According to the achieved results and the conducted evaluation, the knowledge and skills of participants regarding drug and HIV/AIDS prevention in the workplace were improved effectively. [Full Text-Fa]


Workshop on "Monitoring and Evaluation of Community-based Drug Prevention Programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran"

UNODC IRNI55 Project "Nationwide Drug Prevention Measures in the Islamic Republic of Iran" held a two-day workshop on "Monitoring and Evaluation of Community-based Drug Prevention Programme", on 9-10 December 2009, in Homa Hotel, covering more than 30 national experts and authorities form different organizations. The participants were invited from organizations throughout the country, namely the State Welfare Organization , Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education , Ministry of Education , University of Social Welfare etc. The participants of  the workshop benefited from consultancy and expertise of Prof. Fabrizio Faggiano, from Avogadro University. This endeavor focused on i) increasing the capacity of Iranian Monitoring & Evaluation system; ii) enhancing the knowledge and skills of Iranian experts in this field. iii) developing Monitoring and Evaluation indicators. Monitoring and Evaluation indictors of drug prevention programmes were developed through group works. [Full Text-En]


Report for Iranian Harm Reduction NGOs Country Meeting


A country meeting of Iranian harm reduction NGOs took place in 2010 in the city of Gorgan, Golestan province in May 2010 called by the Mehr-Afarinan Javan NGO and supported by the Iranian Drug control Headquarters and UNODC under the project "IRN/I57- Advocacy and Regional Cooperation in Drug Demand Reduction". The meeting aimed to improve interaction among NGOs active in harm reduction in the country through provision of training and creating an environment for exchange of experiences. The NGOs present in the meeting identified challenges in their daily harm reduction work and suggested a number of solutions for the way out. [Full Text - En]


گزارش نشست کشوری سازمان های غیر دولتی کاهش آسیب در ایران


در سال1389 نشست کشوری سازمان های غیر دولتی کاهش آسیب در ایران، توسط انجمن مهر آفرینان جوان درگرگان مرکز استان گلستان برگزار شد. این نشست از سوی ستاد مبارزه با مواد مخدر جمهوری اسلامی ایران و دفتر مقابله با مواد مخدر و جرم سازمان ملل متحد در ایران حمایت شد. این نشست با هدف بهبود ارتباط میان سازمان های غیر دولتی فعال در زمینه کاهش آسیب در کشور از طریق ارائه آموزش و ایجاد یک محیط برای تبادل تجارب برگزار گردید. سازمان های غیر دولتی حاضر در این نشست چالش های روزمره فعالیت های کاهش آسیب خود را مشخص کردند و راه حل هایی پیشنهاد دادند.


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Report of the Study Tour of Delegations from Kyrgyzstan visiting Drug Demand Reduction/HIV control activities in Iran


In June 2012, a delegation from Kyrgyzstan traveled to Iran to visit the best practices in the field of Drug Demand Reduction. The delegation comprised of the parliament members explored the Iranian experiences in the provision of opiate Substitution Therapy (OST). The OST was formally legalized by the Kyrgyz parliament as a treatment modality few months after this study visit. [Full Text - En]


گزارش سفر هیئت نمایندگان قرقیزستانی به منظور بازدید از فعالیت های کاهش تقاضای مواد مخدر و کنترل اچ آی وی در ایران


هیئتی از قرقیزستان به منظور بازدید از تجارب برتر در زمینه کاهش تقاضای مواد مخدر در خرداد ماه سال 1391 به ایران سفر کرد. این هیئت متشکل از اعضای پارلمان قرقیزستان بود و از تجارب ایران در ارائه درمان جایگزین با مواد افیونی بازدید کردند. چند ماه پس از این سفر مطالعاتی، پارلمان قرقیزستان درمان جایگزین با مواد افیونی را به عنوان روشی درمانی مورد تأیید قرار داد.


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