Islamic Republic of Iran


Together we can contain COVID-19!
Prevention of COVID-19 in drug use hotspots in Tehran


A Volunteer group is providing food and prevention
commodities in a drug use hotspot: one of the 
volunteers is reading in the speaker the contents 
of the brochure

UNODC and the Islamic Republic of Iran Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) assist civil society in Iran in their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in drug use hotspots by preparing awareness raising materials targeting homeless and people who use drugs. 

Homeless people who use drugs are at additional risk of infecting with COVID-19 due to the risk behaviours associated with drug use and due to the settings where this takes place. Recreational drug use often takes place within settings in which people congregate and drugs or drug equipment may be shared. Existing physical and psychological comorbidity marginalization and stigmatization can aggravate these risks even more. Access to clean water and soap and correct hand washing are necessary for the prevention of the infection.

An outreach worker is playing educational podcast
to a group of people in the drug use hotspot

Nongovernmental organizations, charity organizations and volunteer groups are regularly providing COVID-19 prevention education and commodities like soap, food and disinfectants to homeless populations, in the drug use hotspots. Now assisted through the prepared information materials, the task of education has become more effective and efficient.

The assistance package comprises of a brochure and three pod casts. The podcasts give brief explanation on the COVID-19 its major signs and symptoms and prevention modalities, provide information how to avoid contracting the virus in hot spots and explain how to wash hands effectively. The podcasts are developed in joint collaboration of the UNODC, DCHQ and the Rouzbeh Prevention Institute. The brochure provides overall information on the above. 

An outreach worker hands in a brochure to 
a homeless woman who uses drugs