Czech Republic

Sending and Receiving agency

POLICE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC, Organized Crime Detection Unit Arms Traffic Division, P.O. Box 41 - V215680 Praha 5 - Zbraslav, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420974842420, Fax: +420974842596, e-mail: phone service: - Operations Center: +420974842690, +420974842694- Cpt. Pavel Osvald: +420603191064- Lt.Col. Jan Svoboda: +420603190355)

25 July 2006


Police of the Czech Republic Organised Crime Detection Unit Arms Traffic Division P.O. Box 41 – V2  156 80 Praha 5 – Zbraslav Czech Republic Tel.: +420974842420 Fax: +420974842596 e-mail: Operations Center (24-hour phone service): tel.: +420974842689, +420974842690, +420974842694 fax: +420974842586.”

20 April 2009